Start from the beginning

"Can I come in? I don't want to be a nuisance and leave her door open." Gale asks.

"Sorry, yeah." Galvin responds and steps back to give the older male space to enter. Which he does, and then politely shuts & locks the door behind himself. The two soon find themselves staring at each other.

"Hey." Gale greets.

"Hey..." Galvin responds. Silence creeps in and lingers for a moment. A feeling of uncertainty eats at the teen from the inside out. He chews at the inner region of his bottom lip while his heart thumps uncomfortably behind his chest. Both pairs of his thumbs and point fingers clench intensely until he finds the courage to break what feels like minutes of painful quietness.

"Are you my... dad?"

"Are you... Galivinth?" The question surprises the teen. Eyes going wide and lips parting a tad. No one had ever really been able to say his actual name, especially on the first try.

"Y-yeah. I am. That's my name."

"Then I undoubtedly am your father. You're my son." Gale states rather stoically.

Silence seeps in again, and for much longer this time. The two look as if they're studying each other, trying to read the moment. It's difficult for them both to process. Then, simultaneously, they budge toward one another with the intent of hugging. There's a stutter in movement and brief pause, though the two eventually close off the distance between them and embrace one another. Galvin's heart rate increases in the moment. The two stay like that for a little over a minute.

Then? The father finally brings forth a concern of his.

"By the way--" Gale trails off, moving his hands to palm the sides of his son's face and tilt the boy's head back for a better look at his eyes.

"Are you blind?" He asks with narrowing eyes, noticing the boy's lack of pupils.

"...No. I can see fine." Galvin answers, grimacing as his father's thumbs press over his high cheekbones and just below his eyes.

"Uh huh. That's why you have trouble seeing far away, right?" The grandmother chimes in teasingly as she comes strolling into the kitchen in a tidy white blouse and lengthy black skirt.

"It's not that bad..." The teen assures.

"Oh, so his vision is impaired?" Gale asks, shifting his eyes toward the grandmother briefly.

"Hardly. I'm not colorblind or anything." Galvin argues.

"He needs glasses, but he refuses to wear and keep up with them." She insists.

"I see. Why is that, Galivinth?"

"I don't really need them."

"What he means is, he's too busy worrying about what the other kids at his school think to bother with them." The elder woman corrects.

"Bibi..." Galvin utters in disapproval.

"Do you truly not like wearing glasses?" Gale asks of his son.

"I don't really need them." Galvin answers.

"He really needs them. Maybe you can talk him into finally wearing them consistently." The grandmother counters.

"I can try." The father offers.

"It's really not that bad..." Galvin persists.

"Anywho, I was actually planning on attending church this morning. I don't mind you two spending time together, but all I ask is that you don't keep him out until the middle of the night." The grandmother finally drops the topic and informs them of her expectation.

Gray Heroics: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now