[28]- Calling out Stephanie

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The crowd cheers at his name being mention and starts a 'Shane O' Mac' chant.

"And I guess that eats away at her but you know what, on Smackdown when she supposedly never had a daughter in me, that sealed her fate that she will never have a daughter in me again." I seethe.

"So now I don't have to bite my tongue, I don't have to care about her, or her stupid big nosed husband, I could slam her face off that stage 50 times then go to Disney land and have a blast!"

"But Stephanie." I continue looking into the hard cam. "I know you're watching this and i just want to tell you, as much as i don't care for your well being. I don't just want to attack you from behind or throw you off a stage. I want a match with you at Hell in The Cell!" The crowd cheers at my proclamation.

"And just for the fun of ripping you apart all over this ring, I want us to take a No Holds Barred Match!" They cheer louder and start a Yes chant as well.

"So it's either you're woman enough to accept my challenge face to face right now or you can send your husband down here to saying something stupid and get slapped in the face for it." I move the mic and look at the stage once again.

Behold the King
The King of Kings

Of course.

Triple H comes out with a mic in hand. He walks down the ramp and climbs on the apron and in the ring.

"Alex I don't advice you do this. So pack up this little challenge and get out of my ring." He orders getting boos, "That is my ring, you are my daughter, so you listen to me and get out."

"I'm your daughter." I scoff. "What did you just remember that?" The nerve of this man.

"Cause last time I checked I wasn't your daughter when you had the Shield attack me months ago. I wasn't your daughter when you stood there and let the big Show hit me with a KO punch. Let me ask you Triple H, was I your daughter last week when you hit me that chair. WAS I YOUR DAUGHTER THEN?!"

"She's losing in." JBL mutters.

Who the hell was he? He has no right to come tell me this and use that against me?! He has not been a father since i came here. He's just been Stephanie little bitch. I feel myself getting riled up just saying it and thinking it. It just makes me want to go after him and start attacking him, but that wouldn't get me anywhere and it wouldn't get my point across.

"You know Hunter you are disgusting, you disgust me, you are a sad excuse of a man, you are a sad excuse of a father! You are a sad excuse of a human being! And the fact that you have the audacity to come out here and say just because you're a sperm donor I have to listen to you!" I spat in his face.

"This really shows me how much that snake of a women has you so wrapped around her finger, your head is so far up her ass- I bet you hand her the toilet paper when she goes to the bathroom huh?" I patronized him.

His eyes were dark as he glared at me with his fists clenched. "Alex stop, you are not medically cleared by our doctors so either way you cannot face Stephanie." He says sticking to his 'script'.

"Oh, what are you her robot, you gotta stick her hand written words so much you can't even defend yourself to me." I laugh bitterly. "Man it must suck going from husband to assistant to fast, doesn't it Trips."

"You know what, you think you can come out here on my show and talk all tough to me and get away with it! This is exactly why you two but heads in the first place! You just can't know your damn place!"

"Oh well I guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship, oh wait, I forgot you just reuse all her panties."

"But since you asked so kindly, kindly. I will leave. But i got a little message for you to share. Whether Stephanie likes it or not I am getting my hands on her, bad arm or not I will drag her by the roots of her stinkin' hair if i have to and I will destroy her in this very ring in the middle of the empire that her father built. And when I'm done, you will be scrapping the caucus of her cold, dead body wishing you had never ever had my name in your mouth. Then we'll see who's really sorry."

I start walking to the ropes before stopping. I turn around and clock the mic in the back of his head watching him fall to the floor.

"Oh I almost forgot, everything single time i see her, I don't care where or when, I'm making sure she gets a black eye over and over again. And if you even think of getting in my way, you and i, we'll have our own Game of Thrones." I threw the mic at him leaving him stunned. My music resumed and i walked out the ring and up the ramp.


I walk backstage passing people in gorilla who had either shocked or stunned expressions on their faces.

I passed Divas and superstars, backstage crew who all masked the same expressions. No one said anything as i passed and it's not like I'd care anyway.

I went to the divas lockeroom and picked up my phone, plugging in my head phones, I raised the volume to max and started humming along to the music. I didn't want to rile myself up too much so this was very therapeutic and helpful.

I walked down the halls until I reached an area that was more empty and secluded. It was darker too with all the equipment blocking out the light. I checked the time seeing it was almost half eight. With a sigh I leaned up against the wall. Still listening to my music and enjoying being by myself.


I don't know how to react. Alex had just declared her war with me. This would've happened some day. She is a stubborn piece of shit child.

I just sat there as Hunter got up from the floor and threw the mic before walking backstage.

The door opened and in comes in an angry Triple H. "That little brat!" He seethe.

"All I did was try to defuse a situation and she comes here and embarrasses me like that!" He spat angrily.

"Hunter relax I'll handle it-"

"You'll handle it, so was I not the one out there then?"

"First if all, you offered, and I will, she is embarrassing our family name like this the kids are starting to ask questions if this is a real feud." I tell him. His face softens and his angry state turned sorrowful.

"This is tearing us all apart. Shane already abandoned us. Nana wants me to fix this. But why should i be the one too, she has disrespected me far to much for far too long. Hunter, if this continues if this is what she says it is after Hell in a Cell she is out."

"Out? What do you mean out?" He asks taking a double take.

"She is out of the McMahon family. I mean it." I say sternly.

His face turns into shock. "Stephanie she's your daughter-"

"No. She is not. Never has been. And never will be."


Holy shit.

Alex isn't Stephanie's daughter? This literally changes everything. Do I tell Alex this? Do i tell the Shield? Do i tell anyone. This is definitely gonna be bad for Alex.

And speaking of I gotta find her. I had a talk with Cena and he said I went a little too far. So I'm gonna find her and try to make her apologize.

Well would you look at that.
I had Dolph back in the mix somehow.

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