Crying for Love in Hell

Start from the beginning

The slenderness of his eyes is shaped and cut by heaven themselves. He juts his chin outward leaning against his hand on the table and stares with a devious smirk. I sometimes forget about this side of him. Sometimes he appears so soft and gentle that you barely would notice him when he becomes a flirt.

Jimin gives the girls a wink and they both giggle feverishly. One waved a hand timidly and Jimin does the same, waving each finger individually. I guess his charm has worked and what's worst is he's doing it in front of me. Gross. I roll my eyes and look at the women who have stopped and were walking over here. An idea popped into my head and I silently chuckle in my hand.

When the girls arrived at the table I turned and looked at them. "Um, hey. Is she your girlfriend?" The girl with auburn eyes asked pointing over in my direction. They were similar things; a small dress that made their legs look slimmer, a nice satchel that went with the color of their sparkly shoes. If anything they were the definition of what a girly-girl looks like.

"Oh no she's my-"

"I'm his older sister and he's also sixteen," I said, amused. Jimin's neck snapped towards me bewildered and the ladies looked taken back, looking at both him and me.

"H-He's what?" The other said, with curls as golden as the rays coming from the sun.

"He's sixteen and he's also a little flirt. I can't tell you the amount of times I've caught him trying to act older than what he is. So I suggest you go find someone who is not going to get you a court case."

Jimin stayed frozen in complete shock. "She's lying I'm 26."

"Yeah in dog years Jimin," I replied. "Annoying little brothers am I, right?"

"I don't even know her." Jimin snorted waving a hand trying to downplay the damage but it's been done.

I placed my phone on the table and pointed to a picture. Crossing my arms over my chest I watched as the three of them bent down to see. It was a old picture, about four years ago freshmen year of the first semester and his hair hadn't grown out as much as it has right now. In this picture though we all decided to go to the park and it had a playground. I was pushing Jimin on the swing while Jin took the picture capturing his eye smile and everything. It didn't mean much but it was enough to make me laugh in fits.

We would causally joke about him looking the youngest outta all of us and it would clearly make him mad. However it's so cute to see his face become all red.

His mouth was dangling wide and there was no one present in those crystal orbs of his. He clocked out the moment I pulled out the photo. Eventually, the girls did leave, only to have more things to gossip about while they walk to god knows where. He threw back his head and let out a loud, humorless laugh.

"I hope a mistletoe isn't the only thing hanging this Christmas." He flicks me the bird.

"You and me both bitch." I tried to suppress my giggling but ended up bursting into loud laughter, he and I making everyone down the street look at us.

At this early hour, the airport is as serene as it ever is. The people move with ease, quiet rivers of humanity freshly roused from their slumber. The floors are clean and white, reflecting the early rays and the manmade light the same. The weather was a bit chilly so I placed a light sweater over my body as I walked with my carry-on to the baggage claim.

There's something so adult-ish about being able to travel by oneself. As I waited to board my flight I enjoyed the idea of creating a life for each person that I saw. The countless businessmen bristly walking to board gave me the impression of someone wealthy and in charge of their lives. The large chaotic families wore matching tees so they could stand out from everyone else.

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