19. Motherly Nature

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Gunner Maverick's POV

Fatherhood. A foreign word. Not something I exactly imagine myself being apart of but here I am. A woman I love for the first time ever, carrying my children. Kids I will have to carry for and love.

For the past month I've tried to convince myself I will be a good father. Until this very moment I never understood why I doubted myself.

Lying here now. With my hands on my beautiful fiancée's stomach. Her small bump growing so much faster than we've seen. Touching her, touching my children as close as I can be.

"Do you know?" I asked and she knew I was referring to how many.

"I do." She smiled.

"When will we know?" I asked and placed a kiss on her abdomen.

"Whoever you'd like. Genders won't come for another few days or weeks." She whispered and I smiled.

"You're so beautiful." I smiled looking at her face, adoring it.

I secretly hope one of them is a girl. I want a daughter not only to have a little princess but I want her to remind me of her mother. Be the spitting image. Or my sons. I hope one carries her face.

I picked up my phone and called my brothers to come up.

"What's up?" Leo asked as all of them walked into my room and shut the door.

"She knows how many." I smiled.

"How? I know you can feel but how?" Apollo asked, simply curious.

"These babies will be very close to me. Not anything against you but they will remember the bond we had when they were in the womb. That's is simply because of my nature. I can feel them when they move or try to at least. It's an amazing feeling." She smiled adoringly and I wanted to melt.

"How many my love?" Dom asked sitting on the bed.

"Three." She said with a grin so wide it would about blind anyone.

"Three babies." Matteo whispered with awe.

"See what I see." She whispered to me and I was confused.

"Just trust me and close your eyes." She said and her small hands covered my large ones on her belly.

I shut my eyes and suddenly it was like my brain was melting and I saw three small bean sized things in the same sack. It was like those black and white ultra sounds with actual color. It was red and the womb was yellow as the babies were red and not exactly bid enough to have eyes or an open mouth yet.

These were my babies.

My heart swelled and my eyes filled with tears as the image disappeared but I couldn't exactly open my eyes yet. I've never felt like this before.

It made the situation finally sink in. I was going to be an amazing father as long as I have my family by my side. I would treat these three children with all of the love they need and give them all they want. I would shape them into being beautiful souls and grateful for everything they have. I had a future.

"Wow." I choked and opened my eyes to meet wondrous ones.

"You get to see that?" I asked.

"I do. I can watch them grow and get bigger in my sleep. A gift really." She laughed.

"My turn." The test said at the same time and she laughed.

"Show them what you saw." She smiled and I laughed.

"How?" I asked.

"Hold their hands, you all will close your eyes and feel exactly what he felt watching me. Being alien is cool you know. All of you created my children not just one. So no the babies won't look like one of you, no one is considered an uncle. You all are the blood related and biological fathers to my babies." She laughed and I smiled.

"So I can show them easily?" I asked.

"Very. Just replay what you saw." She smiled.

I held Leo and Dom's hand while Apollo and Matteo held theirs and I closed my eyes showing them what I saw. The image of my babies flashing through my head.

"Holy shit." Leo laughed and I let go as they all began tearing up.

"That's some sorcery or something." Apollo laughed.

"No. It's just my motherly nature." My girl giggled.

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