18. Bearing

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Bexley Alora's POV

I'm fucked. I've been throwing up forever and I can feel the baby inside of me. Since the moment I said, "I would love to have your kids" I changed my cervix without realizing.

I should've been more careful with my words.

I feel nervous but mainly just sick. I can feel my egg splitting and it doesn't hurt, it's just my maternity genes. I'm a mother to all so I can feel my body.

I will be pregnant for 9 months but the genders will come sooner to me. I can sense genders for all pregnancies.

I believe we will have twins or triplets. No idea if the male gene or female gene is stronger though.

Curse my words. Curse engagements. Curse morning sickness.

I sat over the toilet throwing up over and over for the past four hours. I went to my assigned room and took care of myself there.

When the guys woke up I heard them yelling my name and panicking until Dom found me in my bathroom.

"She's here!" He yelled and a stampede of heavy steps came crashing in.

"What happened are you sick?" Matteo asked.

"No. I'm pregnant." I coughed and threw up more when Apollo came and held my hair.

"R-really?" Gunner asked.

"Yup. Strong feeling it's twins or triplets. No idea the gender I'm too early. However my pregnancy will be the average 9 months but genders and how many and my belly will show up very fast. It'll look like I'm 9 months by the time I'm 4 and it'll just stay that way till I give birth." I sniffled.

"What do we do about the wedding and coronation?" Leo asked.

"We wait till our children are born." I laughed in a 'dub' way.

"Do you need anything lovely?" Leo asked.

"To get up. I'm already starting to show and it's been 12 damn hours." I said and they helped me up.

"I'll grab you a bucket. Gun grab meds. Apollo grab blankets. Leo and Matteo will go down with her and make food." Dom said and they all left except for Matteo and Leo who held my hands and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked looking up at them.

"Our babies are in there." Matteo giggled.

"You are such a nerd." I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh no you are so impregnated by us is all." Leo scoffed.

"Alright alright." I said and I walked down the stairs quickly making Leo upset.

"Don't scramble your eggs." Leo said and I laughed.

"That's not how that works. I'm barely pregnant give me a moment." I laughed but secretly felt overwhelmed.

"Make whatever I need air." I said and walked outside.

I took deep breaths and enjoyed the sun on my skin.

I'd have a small bump by tonight. 9 whole months. Babies. Multiple. Motherhood. God I understand I can keep my children from any distress but five fathers to two or three children and their need to teach them is gonna be hell. I just hope they let me do most of it and don't argue. For my sake.

"Hey baby." Matteo came out saying as he sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"I know these next few years will be difficult. I can sense your tension and all we want to do is support you. I know this will be difficult gorgeous but we are here. We will do anything you ask of us and we are here. We will keep yelling or being loud to a minimum and figure out how this will work. We have 9 months to make a nursery and buy adorable outfits and to bond with you and our babies. Gun, Apollo, and I will buy you maternity sun dresses and drool over your beautiful body. Leo and Dom will set up their stupid pre packed snacks and do all their nerdy things." He smiled and I looked at him as he grabbed my legs and moved me so we were facing each other.

"I will cry and be held by someone as you reveal your beautiful body carrying however many children of ours. I will savor the moments I get to touch your stomach and hold you. I will wake up every night if I have to for your meds or cuddles or stay up if you just can't sleep. I bet my brothers would do the same. This will be very hard. Very emotional. But I believe you are the best woman to ever carry children. It'll be alright babe. One step at a time." He smiled and pulled both my hands into his looking at them.

"I love you." I whispered and he chuckled.

"I love you very much." He said and I smiled as we both stood and got back into the house hearing Leo and Apollo yelling 'Rock your body' by Justin Timberlake while Dom was slightly dancing while setting up the table and Gunner was rubbing his face as his body shook with laughter.

These are the fathers to my children.

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