5. Nature

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Leo Maverick's POV

When we finished breakfast we gathered her and her people to see what we call our growth center. Where the small boys are raised and taken care of until they are comfortable being on their own or until they are of age.

We walked in and small children played with blocks and cars and pretend fought with swords. Our good friend Jason was in the nursery with the infant boys and our other friend Ryan was with the toddlers who weren't old enough to play with the bigger kids.

"Hello!" A kid said and we stood between the kids and a glass wall.

"Us five and you are allowed in here. Is it alright for the rest to stay back and watch?" I asked.

"Of course." The girls said not even debating Bex's judgment.

We walked in and one kid came and squeezed her leg. He looked to be about four.

"Hello." She smiled patting his head.

"What are you?" He asked looking up at her.

I snuck behind her and smelt her. Flowers. It was motherly like for young children. Delicious for men.

"I'm a girl. I'm just like you but I have a different purpose." She smiled looking down at him. He giggled and ran off to his friends.

"Young boys are so fascinating. I've met so many yet I forget the young energy they possess. So small and full of endurance." She smiled.

"We come here nearly every day. We help with all ages and discharge the prepared boys." Dom informed her.

"Infants? May I see?" She asked.

"Sure this way." Matteo led and we smiled at Jason who put one down and opened the gate for us.

"Who is this divine creature?" He smiled taking her hand.

"I'm Bex." She smiled genuinely.

"I can feel your energy. What color glitter is your favorite dear?" She asked keeping his hand in hers.

"Ugh baby blue or baby pink." James responded.

She smiled and twisted their hands open to reveal the glitter.

"It doesn't stick to skin. Do as you wish." She smiled.

"How did-" he questioned confused.

"I can feel your feminine energy appears in makeup and dressing." She chuckled.

James obviously wasn't aware of her motherly instinct and panicked when she picked up a child but Gun held him back.

"She's the mother to all." Apollo said and he seemed to understand and his face went from panicked to relaxed.

She held the infant with such care and interest smiling at him as he squirmed and cried.

"He's been crying for hours. I've tried to feed him and change him and get him to sleep and he takes none of it." James troubled.

"Sometimes a man needs consoling. May I ask if you use human girls to reproduce?" She asked.

"We do. Then we rid of them after the birth." Apollo whispered softly.

The baby cried and she smiled humming an unfamiliar tune that soothed the cries.

She pressed on his small stomach and a milky consistency appears at the corners of his small mouth.

"He's full and tired." She smiled and released the baby causing him to float in the air and same position he was being held in.

She snapped her fingers and his blanket flew up to meet him in the air and she still hummed as basically magic put him in a swaddle and back in his crib where she placed a kiss on his forehead.

"All done." She smiled touching the baby's head.

"Wow." James awed.

"That's what I did to each of you 145 years ago." She smiled looking at us.

"Is it magic?" Dom asked.

"Were you born with the ability to fight and lead?" She asked.

"We never had to be trained?" I offered.

"Just as you could naturally defend yourself as a man would I have the gentle motherly touch. No matter how any child is raised it's my job to sooth them. Anywhere from pregnancy to 18 I care for their emotions and control their health. I prevent injuries, hunger, thirst, and unhealthy behaviors. I don't stop the yelling or crying because like all emotions those are healthy. Small babies have needs and that's the way they communicate. By holding the child I felt his distress in lack of sleep and hunger so I cured them both." She smiled thoughtfully.

"Toddlers next?" Matteo offered.

"Please." She smiled and nodded to James who smiled back and we went to a different space.

"God I can't get them to calm down!" Ryan said upset.

"Why are these two crying?" She asked and he looked started at the light voice.

"I-is this a woman?" He asked looking at us.

"I am. I go by Bex nice to meet you." She smiled but she seemed impatient. Her head was not looking up at Ryan but to the two, two year olds crying. She felt their distress.

"As in Bexley? Queen of all divine feminism?" He asked.

"Yes now hand her the twins Ryan." Dom snapped causing him to flinch.

"Why are they crying?" She asked again.

"They were throwing the small cars at each other so I took them away and they've been crying since." He said and he didn't expect her to do much.

When people think of her I think they just think she's the queen of seduction or some shit but that's just a part. She's basically the queen of motherhood. She stood for all things divine including life itself.

She shushed them and this time sang the words of what she hummed earlier to the kids.

They began relaxing in her arms causing her to close her eyes and smile.

They cooed and stared up at her.

"Hello." She whispered down to them. The babies laughed and waved.

They buried their head into her neck and she sat one on each arm as they placed their heads on her shoulders and fell asleep.

"Sleep is a good remedy after a tantrum." She whispered and handed them back to Ryan.

"Fucking Alien." He mumbled walking away.

"I'll come back for those words later." Matteo whispered to us so Bex didn't hear.

"Alien my ass." She huffed walking out of the toddler room.

A kid came up and pulled on her hand as we entered the main area.

"Come play?" He asked.

"Sure what are we playing?" She laughed walking over with them and we each sat on the floor watching.

"Hey guys." A voice said and we turned to see it was Haden. Our researcher.

"The perfect person to see." I chuckled and he sat down.

"I heard the famous Bexley Alora was here." He smiled.

"She is. Why are all the kids so interested in her?" Gunner asked.

"To all ages under 18 she's a mother. Beautiful, memorable, feminine, she is these children's comfort that they never knew they needed. All kids attract to her voice, to them it sounds wise and comforting while to men it's attractive and sexy. She basically feeds off of children's feelings. In human nature the moms are distressed when their child is. But because this nature isn't so human she needs those children to be happy in order for her to be.
"When she isn't in a room of kids she controls herself but stick her in a room of youth she feeds off the innocence and emotions the children feel. When the kids are a peace she is, when they're happy she is, when they feel anything negative she does as well. It's so beautiful." He smiled observing her.

"I'm so glad you came here right now I had so many unanswered questions." I laughed.

"I came to see if my research proved true. It did." He smiled.

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