14. Better

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Bexley Alora's POV

I woke up on Dom's chest as he was speaking to people but I didn't care enough to even look. I heard so many voices and he was having a meeting with his men. However I heard no one else but him and wondered where the others were.

I was slumped against his chest as he drew patterns under my shirt and onto my back. My eyes remained closed and I let myself breath in his scent.

"Dismissed." He said and chairs moved around until it was silent.

"Good morning sunshine." He said and I hummed.

"You're too pretty when you sleep so I couldn't help myself, hope you don't mind." He chuckled lowly as my head rumbled against his chest.

"I don't." I mumbled trying to make myself smaller somehow. He already made me feel incredibly small but I wanted to shrink and just stay on him all day.

"Your skin is so soft. I love your long hair and white eyes. I love your voice and the way your hips move when you walk. I love how when your sleeping your lips pout. I love how you curl into a ball or starfish on the bed when you sleep. I love the way you smell in every way. I love seeing your motherly side to the kids. It's all very amazing." He smiled.

"However, one thing I have yet experienced is my dick in your tight pussy." He said lowly and quietly.

"Shhhh I just woke up." I mumbled.

"What's that supposed to do, stop me?" He chuckled.

"My morning breath." I mumbled. An obvious lie.

"You don't have morning breath. It's physically impossible for you to smell bad. Even your sweat. What's your excuse now?" He teased.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Because we are that way too weirdo." He chuckled poking my forehead.

"Yea yea." I said sitting up on his lap and scooting up on his lap till I met a bulge.

"Hard already?" I quirked a brow.

"Just a little. I always am when you're here." He chuckled winking at me.

"You're different when people aren't here." I said. This is how I'd expect Apollo or Matteo to be.

"You make it easy to not be so uptight." He smiled softly.

"How about a good morning first?" I asked running him through his pants.

"No I thought it was too early." He teased.

"Please daddy?" I asked and he looked at me with a deadpanned expression.


"Fuck you." He mumbled unbuttoning his pants.

"You will soon enough." I smiled.

He touched my ass and I hissed.

"Sorry sorry." He chuckled.

I moved my panties and sat on his length. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began riding him as he held onto my hips.

"God I'm gonna cum already." He laughed.

"It's okay me too." I laughed and we finished together.

"Your pussy is so good you have me looking pathetic." He chuckled with his face turning bright red.

"Don't be embarrassed love it's just fine. Besides it boosts my ego a little bit. If it makes you feel any better it means we can practice often." I winked and he laughed wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me tightly to him placing his head in my neck.

"Helps sort of. I'm sorry that must've sucked." He chuckled but I knew he was actually nervous that I was displeased.

Poor baby.

"Stop. You made me come too. That is a very normal reaction when someone fucks me for the first time. It happened with a good amount of your brothers. It didn't suck." I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck and he stayed in my neck.

I suddenly felt warm tears on my shoulder.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

"Shh." He said and sniffled a bit staying where he was.

Suddenly I felt panic to help him but I've never had the need to sooth a man. Wtf.

"Why are you crying?" I asked trying to yank him from hiding in my neck.

"Because I'm scared." He cried. A deep sob suddenly bursted but he tried to hide it.

"Talk to me Dom." I said and he backed from my neck and sat back on the chair looking down with his hands on my thighs.

"I'm here with you because the guys are asking our population about making you our queen. We want to go through with this but not as allies. We want to be with you. I'm scared you won't accept it or us and I felt like that just fucked the chance up." He said and grabbed my wrist holding my hand to his cheek and meeting my eyes.

His brown eyes were red and puffy and my heart suffered with his emotions.

"Sex isn't all what our relationship is. Sure it's a lot of it but it's also trust. I feel for all of you. I really do. Just because you have a normal male reaction doesn't suddenly mean I say no. I would love to be your queen as you my king. It's a process but I swear you didn't fuck anything up." I said and he nodded. He seemed to believe me enough to calm down but still wasn't sure.

"Now what can I do to help you? It makes my heart hurt seeing you like this." I whispered and rubbed my thumb along his cheek.

"Movie?" He asked and I nodded.

He picked me up and I placed my head on his chest hearing his strong heartbeat faster than usual.

We got to his room and he handed me the remote when I began watching Friends as he spread my legs open and put his head under my shirt and on my bear stomach as the rest of his body was on mine. He placed his hands on my breasts as I pulled the cover over his body and my legs as he quickly began snoring lightly.

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