The Truth Comes Out

Start from the beginning


I let out a breath and I wasn't sure what was about to come next out of my mouth. What was I supposed to tell him? Zayn again asked why when I didn't reply right away. I turned around and faced him. I went for it.

"You're such a jerk you know," I started, "I hated you at first and then I got to know you a little bit more and I began to like you as a friend. And then here I am hating you again."

"What the hell did I do?" He shouted obviously frustrated with me.

"Do you not have any consideration for Mikayla or even me!? God, you check girls out like it's your job. Don't you have any respect?" I looked at him as if I were disgusted by his appearance.

"This is what this is about?" Zayn asked stunned, "Cause I check out girls too often? I do recall now a certain someone saying they wouldn't be on my back about this. Do you recall that, Mallory?" He said sternly.

"Please! I never said that. I said you could look at them not mentally undress them!" I spat at him.

"Do you like me?" He asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked taken back.

"Do you like me?" He repeated.

"Zayn, this isn't what we're tal-"

"Do.You.Like.Me." He said for a third time and I could tell he didn't want to say it again, "Because I like you."

I was shocked by the words that just came out of his mouth. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I don't even think I could breathe. I never had any thought of Zayn liking me. I thought it was impossible.

"So do you like me?" He questioned once again. All I could do was shake my head "no". I wasn't going to do that to Mikayla. It was wrong, absolutely wrong.

"Bullshit," He stated. I was surprised about how harsh and stern he was being. He was angry with me as I could just see it in his eyes. They were dark and they stared coldly at me. I glanced down at his hands that were balled into fists. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching them. My throat had gone dry out of fear. I wasn't sure what was coming next. He just seemed to angry and upset. He looked like he was about to punch the nearest thing to him.

"You can't fucking tell me that you haven't felt anything for the last couple weeks," He said taking a step towards me. I took a step back keeping the distance between us.

"Just tell me Mallory," Zayn said, "Tell me how you feel."

I shook my head once again because that's all I could manage to do.

"You can't tell me that your stomach doesn't have butterflies when you see me step into a room. You can't tell me that you don't feel undeniably happy when we're together. And you can't tell me that you don't feel your heart race just a little bit faster with, every, step, I take," His feet went in sync with his words. He was so close to me. His eyes looked down into mine as he said, "Do you feel it race, Mallory, do you?"

I kept shaking my head and took a couple steps back. I wrapped my arms around myself and looked down at the hardwood floor. My mind was blank. My heart was racing. Zayn broke down my walls. I felt so vulnerable to him. I felt so weak and that he could just pick me up and do anything he wanted with me. I didn't have the strength to fight back. I couldn't even find the strength to mumble the word "No". He knew that too. He knew what he was doing to me. He knew that being tough with me would break me down to a weak little girl. I was strong on the outside but the inside was just waiting for moments to crumble. It was silent between us. I could feel his eyes burning on me. He watched me as I stood there unsure what to say or what to do. I slowly looked up at him.

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