l. flashback to when you met me

Start from the beginning

Luckily, Peter had promised to keep it between them, Merlin only knows what would happen if James and Sirius found out.

So the next day James and Sirius found out.

"When were you planning on telling us?" Sirius had grinned at him from across the table during breakfast.

Remus instantly thought the worst--they knew he was a werewolf. "Telling you what?" His throat had dried up.

"Your little crush," James singsonged and relief flooded through Remus--they still didn't know.

Once the rush of relief had left, James' words caught up with him. "Wait. What?"

"I'm sorry!" Peter squeaked from beside him. "They interrogated me!"

"All we did was ask 'how are you?' and you blurted it out,"

"They asked it in a scary manner." Remus had given his most unimpressed look to Peter.

Now that all of his friends knew, every time he made eye contact with her, they teased him about it right after. All. The. Time. So, naturally, Remus had just continued denying it, that no he did not have a crush, despite all of them knowing that he was lying.

The first time Aurora spoke to Remus was in Potions, third year.

She was sat beside him, and very thankfully, was not his partner--it wasn't that she didn't want to be, but she had heard stories from Lois and Benjy about how he wasn't always the greatest at the subject, to put it lightly. His partner was Peter Pettigrew, and sadly for Remus, Peter was clumsy (personally, she thought he would be great at Potions if he stopped dropping things) and therefore didn't provide much help for Remus.

"You only need to add four measures," Aurora spoke up as she watched the pair about to add a fifth of bezoar. She didn't know what would happen if an extra was added, and she really didn't want to find out.

Remus turned his head towards her, his expression startled. "Huh?"

"Don't add that to the cauldron," She gestured to the crushed bezoar in Peter's hands. But Peter hadn't been listening to her and dropped it in.

"Why's it bubbling like that?" Peter asked dumbly as he stared into the cauldron. Aurora instantly dove under the table, dragging Remus with her. It had been the right decision as the mixture exploded on Peter, slimy green liquid now covering him head to toe.

"Um, thanks," Remus said as they were still under the table.

"No problem," She smiled at him.

And that's how third year continued.

Fourth year was strange for Remus.

It was the year everyone seemed eager to date. James was still very much hung up on Lily who still didn't give him the time of day. Sirius flirted with girls a lot, sending most of them into stuttering messes, and Peter mooned over a few girls and even got a few dates.

Remus though was very much fine to pretend as if he didn't have a crush on Aurora, and tried his best to ignore it, along with the worries that she might date someone as well.

His friends had tried to give him pep talks to start a conversation with her, 'if it's embarrassing you can pretend it never happened' (apart from the fact that it did happen, James) and 'the worst she can do is ignore you' (Remus heavily doubted that was the worst). All in all, they weren't very good at it.

Despite what his friends thought, he did want to speak to her outside of a classroom--he was still thankful that Sirius had pushed him into the empty seat next to her in third year--it was just that he didn't know how to start a conversation about anything else other than school, and it didn't help that they didn't share as many classes that year.

And then, as luck would have it, one day Aurora saw him revising in the library and asked to sit with him. It wasn't anything as big as starting conversations (they couldn't really because it was the library) but studying together became a regular thing for them to do.

The first few months of fourth year, Aurora was annoyed. Everyone was going crazy over dating (if you didn't have a date to Hogsmeade you were doomed, apparently) and all she could hear was who liked who and who was dating who. It was tiresome (especially when she had to listen to hear if there was anything about Remus).

She had seen Lois and Benjy both get asked out and asking other people out. The pair were adamant that she would go on one date, and Aurora would rather willingly eat a box of every flavour beans with the only flavour being ear wax than go on a date with anyone (who wasn't Remus).

Because she wasn't spending all of her time glued to another person like majority of her year seemed to enjoy spending their time, she stowed away in the library. As she spent more and more time in the library, she noticed that Remus was there as well. She then decided that if he was there next time, she would ask to join him (if Lois and Benjy could ask someone out, she could ask to sit at the same table as the boy she liked).

And so fourth year passed with not so sneaky looks across the table and nervous conversations as they left the library together.

Becoming a prefect in fifth year was great, Aurora had thought since for most of her patrols she was paired up with Remus. So with that and studying together in the library, she was pretty happy with where fifth year was heading. Right up until that one night that had felt like a slap in the face.

Remus Lupin wasn't as perfect as she had thought and she hated him for it.

merry christmas! i hope you all have a great couple of days :))

fuck, marry, kill: cedric, regulus, sirius


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