#33 Bucky Barnes x Reader - Run To Tomorrow (2)

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Warnings: none

Word Count: 1030

The next night, when you woke up, writhing and sweating, tears streaming down your cheeks, you had gotten up straigt away. You were too restless and you needed to be away from your room, there was no way you could stay in bed now. You had begun wandering the halls, pondering the idea of following the advice of going to therapy.

You already knew it would be difficult. You found it hard enough to be open with your Friends, and you had no idea how you would manage it with a stranger. But Bucky had said she was the best in town, and you believed him, even if you weren't extraordinarily close.

You pushed the thoughts away, calming yourself and promising that you wouldn't think about it again until the morning. And then, as you looked around, you realised that your wandering had bought you to Bucky's door.

For a heartbeat, you stayed completely still, wondering wether you should knock. He had seemed pretty content to sit and talk with you last night, but why should you Interrupt his sleep if he hadn't already been woken up by a bad dream?

As though he das sensed your presence, the door opened, revealing Bucky, half-asleep, but with a lopsided smile. "Bad dream?" Shifting uncomfortably on the spot, you nodded slightly. "Wanna come in?" You nodded again, passing him as he stepped out of your way, holding the door open.

"I didn't mean to wake you," you uttered quietly, hovering awkwardly in the middle of the room. "I somehow ended up in front of your door and-"

"it's okay," he interrupted you, climbing back into his bed, smiling at you. "Wanna talk about it?" This time you shook your head, bringing your fingers up to your mouth, lighlty chewing on your nails. "So... you just gonna stand there, or are you going to get comfortable?"

You opended your mouth, as if to speak, but then you paused, avoiding Buckys gaze. "I can't." He was confused for a moment, a frown edged on his face as he watched you. "I don't want to fall asleep again."

"Okay." He told you softly, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, turning to you with a gentle smile. "We can stay up then, chat for a while." he started, patting the spot next to him for you to come and sit down.

You obligated, climbing into bed beside him and chuckling quietly to yourself about the absurdity of the situation. "I feel insane." You mumbled out of nowhere, causing Bucky to frown yet again.

"Well, you aren't." he told you firmly. "People deal differently with this crap. Tony would look himself away in his lab for days on end, working. Steve beats the shit out of a punching bag. You and I get nightmares. No insanity, just coping."

Something inside of you wanted to agree with him, but your brain continued to rattle on, unable to stop the words from coming out. "I shouldn't need to come crying to a guy because my brain can't handle shit. I should be able to deal with this crap on my own."

"I don't mind." He insisted, resting his arm around your shoulders. "If it helps you, i'm more than willing to."

"Well, I do." You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder.


You could burst into tears then and there. Why had you come to his room in the first place? Why were you telling him all this shit? "Because i should be able to do it by myself. I shouldn't need other people."

Bucky gave you the softest smile he could muster, pulling you closer into his side. "It goes against human nature to be alone. Everyone needs someone."

"Damn, i knew you were old, but that sounds like some shit from the 1800s." You snorted. "Woman should be married, that's the only way they can be happy."

A small laugh escaped him as he shook his head. "That's not what i meant." he told you, poking your side, causing you to laugh. "I was saying, wether it's platonic, or familial, or romantic. Everyone needs someone to look out for them."

You nodded, snorting slightly."Did you know that you are really smart?" You attempted to hold back a yawn, covering your mouth with your hand.

"You getting tired, huh?" You nodded again. "Then you should go back to bed. Get as much sleep as you can tonight."

"I-", you started softly, "I can't."

He frowned, nodding his understanding. "You wanna try and sleep in here? See if it helps?"

"You don't mind?"

"I don't mind." He mumbled softly, Fighting off a yawn himself as he settled down properly into the bed. "Wake me up if you need anything," he added, as you took your place next to him, resting your head on the pillow.

A couple of hours later you woke up again, shaking from another Nightmare. But tonight, Bucky had an arm around, his hand running up and down your back as you attemted to steady your breathing.

"It's okay." He murmured softly, his metal hand coming up to brush some loose strands of hair out of your face. "Everything's okay." He repeated, watching as you calmed in front of him.

You clung to Bucky for the rest of the night, holding on to him as though your life depended on it. He didn't seem to care in the slightest, happy enough to hold you close, telling you that it would get better over and over again.

The next morning, as you called the therapist and set up an appointment, he sat with you, huddled so close together that he could almost hear the voice on the other end of the phone.

From then on, you spend most of your nights in Bucky's bed. It felt good having someone beside you when you woke up needing comfort, and Bucky was more than willing to be there for you,

Soon enough, with a few therapy sessions under your belt, you had managed to sleep through the night , startling awake the next morning when Bucky's alarm had sounded beside you.

Marvel Imagines - Book 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt