#22 Loki Laufeyson x Reader - One Sided

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Imagine: The Avengers aren't found of the idea of you and Loki dating. One day Tony confronted you about the situation.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 914

"I don't think that dating him is a good idea." Tony looked genuinely distressed as he turned to face you. His hair is a little mussed from the amount of times he had run his hand through it. He has always been protective of you, but as the years passed on it seemed to have become stifling.

"He isn't the bad guy..." You muttered, releasing a sigh as you shook your head. "He made mistakes, yes, but he changed and-"

"You are kidding, right? He threw me out off a window and almost destroyed New York." He stated, waving his arms around rather erratically.

You forced yourself to keep your stony expression as you glared at him. "Since when do you have a saying in my relationship?" You exclaimed.

Tony remained quiet for a moment, progressing what you just had said. "I think he is using you..." He finally uttered. Your stony expression now faded completely and got replaced with a frown.

"Why? Because it's impossible that someone could actually care about me?" You almost yelled.

"That's not what I was saying-" Tony retreated.

"But it's what you meant! Loki couldn't possibly genuinely like me because he enjoys hanging out with me, no, there has to be some pathetic plot! And everyone has to remind me of that because I'm too naive to have thought about that myself." Tony remained silent, his mouth opening and closing in an attempt to find something to say. "You are no better than Steve." You muttered, rushing past him and leaving the room.

You understood why the others were suspicious of Loki. God, of course you did! He tried to enslave the human race and earned a bad reputation with that but he'd never been anything but kind to you. In all honesty, life got better with him being your rock.

As you snapped out of your thoughts, you found yourself wandering the hallways. Almost on instinct you landed directly at Loki's door. He had this soothing effect on you and that was exactly what you needed.

When you lifted a hand to knock on his door, you hesitated. What should you tell him? What if Tony was right? What if he acted all nice because it made it easier to manipulate you? You took a deep, shaking breath and closed your eyes, forcing the thought to leave.

As you opened your eyes again, you saw Loki standing right in front of you. He somehow managed to open the door without you noticing nor hearing. He looked concerned as he was frowning at you.

"Hey," you uttered a little out of breath as you forced a smile onto your lips. Loki's expression softened slightly. "Is everything alright?" He asks as he reached out to brush your cheek with his fingertips, his touch so gently that it left a tingly feeling on your blushing skin. You nodded, moving past him and into his room.

"What is bothering you, darling?" He asks as he followed you inside the room.

"Nothing." You answered, to quickly for it to sound naturally.

"Please, don't lie to me." You stopped pacing and glanced back at him. You stood there for a second, collecting your thoughts before speaking. "Why are you with me?" Loki's face fell for a moment before he gained his composure back. You thought that you saw him shift as in attempting to reach out for you.

"Because I like you," he murmured softly, confusing written all over his face as you shifted awkwardly on the spot. "You're stunning and funny and caring. Why wouldn't I want to be with you?"

You shrugged, moving to sit at the end of his bed. "I told Tony about us," you dragged on, bringing your hands up to run it through your hair. "and he was less than supportive."

You felt the bed dipping as Loki came to sit beside you. "How do you feel?" He asked, his arm coming to rest around your waist.

"I'm fine." You uttered, taking a deep 3 before shaking your head. "Actually, no, I'm not fine." You finally confessed. You paused for a moment, your hands resting in your lap. "He keeps acting like I'm some gullible child. Someone who can't think for themselves."

Loki's hand moved to rest on your arm, giving it a light squeeze, something you knew would be out of his own comfort zone. "He thinks I'll manipulate you?"

"By the sound of it, he thinks you already did." You shook your hand, shifting out of his grip and going back to pacing through the room. "He wouldn't even listen to me, he is convinced that you're using me."

"You know who I am," Loki cleared his throat. "You know what I did, but I'm trying to be better." You stood still and watch I'm carefully. "I know you do-"

"I'm not perfect and probably never be."

You sighed slightly, moving to the bed to sit down next to him. "No one is, not you, not me and certainly not Tony." Your hands reached up to cup his cheek.

Loki shifted closer, leaning his forehead against yours. "I want to make you happy." He whispered, listening closely as you released a content sigh. "You make me the happiest. " You told him, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.

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