#6 Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Exposed

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Imagine: You are a part of the Avengers for quite some time now - your power of making yourself invisible is a great addition to the Team. Although you get along with everyone, you still have a secret that only Steve, your best friend, knows of:

You are bi and have a massive chrush on the one and only Scarlett Witch - Wanda. You did well in hiding your secret until Tony finds out and shares it with the Team.

Warnings: none

Word Count: 899

It is Friday night and all the Avengers are sitting together, watching a movie. Suddenly, Tony turns the Tv off:

"So...I have news" he clasps his hands together as he leans back against the cushion. He smirks at you but you only frown at him, while glancing at Steve who gives you a confused shrug.

"You will never guess what i listened to the other day!" He exclaims, why too excited for your liking.

"Did you finally learn to take advice from others?!" Wanda fake gasps and earns a death glare from Tony. You try to hide your laugh at her comment but fail. While earning another cold glare from Tony, Wanda winks at you, turning your cheeks into a deep shade of pink. Steve elbows your side and wiggles is eyebrows but you only roll your eyes, trying to hide your excitment. He is the only one who knows of your huge chrush - and you want it to stay like that.

It became unbearable obvious that you like both sides and Steve eventually figured it out because it seems like the Bi's can sense each other. Fortunatly, he promised to keep it a secret, knowing exactly how hard it is to open about such a sensitve Topic.

"So, hear me out! I found someone's conversation on one of the cameras footage and it said something very intriguing." Tony's focuse is still on you and suddenly it dawns you:

You had talked to Steve about asking Wanda out.

He wouldn't do that, right? He wouldn't mean that conversation?, and certainly wouldn't just out you infront of the whole Team, would he?

"Guess what i heard, our beloved Teammember Y/N...is bi! Yup, she swings both ways! And the best part is yet to come: she has a crush on her teammate...and i bet that you will never guess who it is" he smirks.

"I think you said enough Stark..." Sam tries to silence him but Tony just ignores it.

"She is in love with Wanda... and with 'love' I mean head over heals!" Tony laughs but nobody joins in.

You just sit there, shocked from what just happened. Everyone stares at you, making you feel nauseous. You get up and stumble into the hallway.

You turn invisible and rush away.

"Great job, Stark. You just ruined everything!" Wanda says angrily, her eyes turning red. She gets up and follows you.

"Why is everyone so angry with me? We all knew it anyway, so why does it matter?" Tony tries to defend himself.

"We knew it, yes. But we agreed to keep it to ourselves until she feels comfortable enough to tell us herself. You took that moment away from her, the last bit of control she had because you can't stand to not be the centre of attention..." Steve hisses.

"Friday, where is Y/N?" Wanda asks the AI while she runs through the hallways looking for you.

"Miss Y/L/N is on the balcony" Friday replys.

"Thank you..." she answers briefly before opening the door to the balcony.

"Y/N? Are you here?" She asks as she walks out onto the balcony.

"Leave me alone...please..." you reply, your voice barely a whisper.

"Y/N...please...talk to me" she says as she walks into the direction your voice comes from.

"Please watch out, you almost stomp on my hand" you let out a giggle.

"Sh*t, I'm sorry. Can you make yourself visible, for me?" She chuckles.

You turn visible and Wanda sits down next to you.

"What Tony did...he wasn't in the place to say it...But...it makes it easier for me..." she says.

"Makes what easier" you ask, curious.

"T- That...ifeelthesameforyou" she spits out. Then she looks down and fiddles with her hands.

You stare at her with wide eyes. You can't believe what you just heard.

"You... you do? You ask in disbelief.

Wanda finally looks at you. "I do. Y/N, you are the funniest and most stunning girl I have ever seen. You are the only girl that can get me to stutter and...and-"

You chuckle and wipe away some tears. You turn around and sit now face to face with Wanda. 

"So...we gonna kiss, or..." you ask nervously, making Wanda blush.

"I guess that's how it works." She says, leaning in.

You two share a quick but loving kiss. You both pull away and smile at each other.

"Now that we have done this... can we kill Tony now?" You grin sheepishly.

"For what he did to you? Hell yeah, he won't mess with you again!" She jumps up and pulls you with her. "Consider this as our first date." She adds, making you burst out in laughter.

You walk hand in hand back to the others.

Even though it didn't go as planned, you couldn't be happier with how things turned out.

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