#28 Tony Stark x Reader - Heaven Needed You

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Imagine: It's the day of Tony Starks - your husband's - funeral.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 382

Everyone came. Everyone, including Steve Rogers, Tonys very distance friend. He moved across the country to get away from his life, for five years to be exact, but it wasnt until today that he decided to visit. Sadly this is the day of Tony's funeral.

After the cérémonie, you left the cottage as fast as possible, not able to keep the tears, that are threatining to spill, at bay.

You suck in a deep breath as the cold night air hit your bare arms. You slowly wander closer to the edge of the little, rotten wooden pier. You sit down, feet dangling off the edge, and stare into the distance.

You get pulled out of your thoughts by the deck floor creaking.

"I'm not in the mood to socialize right now, so don't even bother to lure me back inside." You speak up.

"I came out here just to talk, actually." You look up see Stephen Strange approaching you.


"Don't apologize. I understand that you can't deal with loads of people right now. Even if it's just them telling you how sorry they are." He says, taking a seat next to you.

You feel the tears welling up again. "I know that they are sorry. They lost him too, after all. The world lost Iron Man and Morgan lost her Dad," You look down at your wedding ring, fiddling with it. "And I lost my husband."

"You know...," Stephen started, "I saw more than fourteen million possible outcomes and he loved you in every single one."

You close your eyes and take a shaky breath. "Thank you."

Strange gives you a small smile as he stands up. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder and gives it a light squeeze before leaving you alone.

You look up towards the night sky. "We are gonna be okay." You whisper, your tear stained cheeks glistening in the moonlight.

You stand up and straighten out your clothes. As you turn around, you see Morgan standing by the deck, waiting for you.

"Hey Baby," You cooe as you pick her up.

"Can we watch Daddy's video again?" She asks innocently, her head resting on your shoulder.

"Sure princess."

Marvel Imagines - Book 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt