#17 Bucky Barnes x Reader - New beginnings

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Imagine: You know how much Bucky hates his metal arm so you decide to build him a new one. When it's finally time to show him your finished work doubts arise.

Warnings: none

Word Count: 932

It took you two months to finish your  newest project.

Two months of working nonstop for day and night.

Two months of hiding this from everyone.

You know your team too well and you are sure that they wouldn't be able to keep their mouths shut. And with 'they', you mean Steve.

But what are you working on? A new arm for Bucky Barnes!

You know that he hates his arm - it reminds him of his old times with Hydra. It reminds him of the torture he went through and the lives he took

The two of you are close. Close enough for you to know how he feels. Bucky completely opened up to you about his troubles and doubts.

When he told you the whole story you felt like throwing up and you realized that you have to help him.

You don't do this to pity him but to help him love himself again. He is your best friend and you won't give up on him that easily.


You take one last look on the new arm before you close the box to keep it out of anyone's sight.

Carefully you take the box in your hands and walk out of the lab. You have planned this for weeks and it was finally time to give Bucky his present.

You made sure that no one else except you and Bucky is in the tower. You know that he isn't really fond of people and that's why you want to give him the arm privately.

As you arrive in the living room you place the box on the coffee table.

"Friday, where is Bucky Barnes?" You ask the AI.

"Mr. Barnes is in his room, Mrs. Y/L/N." Friday response.

"Thank you."


It's only when you stand in front of his door that you notice how nervous you are. You don't know if Bucky will be happy about your gift. What if it makes him feel worse?

But before you can leave and rethink your decision the door to his room opens and reveals a smiling Bucky.

"Y/N? How can I help you?" He asks politely, smiling from ear to ear.

"I- uh- I..." you mentally slap yourself for stuttering.

"Come on, Doll, you can tell me." He says as he puts his arm on your shoulder, leading you to the living room.

"I- I wanted to give you something..." you look down, hiding your blush.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it!" He expresses happily.


Back in the living room you position yourself between Bucky and the arm, still unsure if this is right.

He glimpses over your shoulder as he walks closer and you see the excitement in his eyes. Great! There is no going back now.

"Is this it?" He points to the box on the coffee table.

You only nod in agreement. 

"Can I?" He carefully brushes his hand over the wooden box.

You nod again and step aside.

His back is facing you as he carefully opens the box, making it impossible for you to see his facial expression.

"I- I made this in hope you'd like this more than the old one. Uhm, I changed the design, so you don't have to see the red star and- and it has a few new features, it's detachable and-..." You stop when Bucky doesn't react to anything you're saying.

You see his whole body tense as he touches the arm. You take a few steps back, figuring he will be angry.

You already stand in the doorway when you hear Bucky mumble a quiet 'Thank you'.

A wave of relief washes over you and you release a breath you didn't know you were holding.

As you turn around you see Bucky holding the new arm in his hands. He surveys every inch of it. A big smile appears on his face when be locks eyes with you.

"Thank you." He says again, louder this time.

He places the arm back in the box, careful not to break anything, before he walks over to you and hugs you tight.

No matter how happy he is about the new arm, he'll show you how grateful he is first.


A rush of warmth runs through Buckys body as you return the hug - his intention is to never let you go again.

Truth is, he was so flabbergasted when he saw your gift that his body didn't know how to react properly. The only thing he managed was a tight hug, though you deserve so much more.

He knows that it isn't always easy with him. It's like walking on a thin line between being the happiest version of himself and falling into that dark pit again he crawled out years ago.

It is hard to stay balanced but you never thought of walking back and leaving him - that's what makes you so special to him.

You bring the good out of him.


"Buck? Bucky? Look, I really appreciate this hug but it's getting kinda difficult for me to breath." You chuckle.

"Oh, yeah right. Sorry." He awkwardly pulls away and scratches the back of his neck.

The two of you stare at each other in an comfortably silence.

"So... you wanna try it out?" You ask.

Bucky nods his head eagerly. He grabs your hand and runs towards the lab.

Marvel Imagines - Book 1 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz