#8 Stucky - Dear Bucky

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Imagine: Thanos snapped and everyone disappeared - everyone including Bucky Barnes. Steve misses him more with each day so he writes letters to Bucky.

Warnings: Maybe sad

Word Count: 635

Dear Bucky,

It's been 1 month, 3 weeks and 5 days since you are gone and I miss you dearly. This must be the 50th letter I have written, but I know that they won't reach you anytime soon. Nethertheless I am still waiting for you to answer, desperately.

Being without you throughout the first years after I got defrosted was hard. I hoped that I would have you by my side, like in old times, although I knew it was impossible I thought you'd be there with me. Like I do now.

But you weren't.

Our Story was never supposed to go this way, you know? Me, as Captain America and you as The Winter Soldier. It was supposed to be about us. Us against the world, or, hell, even the world against us. I wish I could go back to the 40's... I would convince you to not join the army and I wouldn't take that stupid Serum.

Do you remember the play dates we went on? We thought we couldn't like each other... oh, if we only knew.

I would go back and make everything okay.

Buck, my best friend, my partner in crime, my lover, I love you. Don't you dare to ever forget that.

I want you to be here with me, like you used to.

I want you to mess up my hair, like you used to.

I want you to kiss the spot below my neck, like you used to.

I want you.

I am truly, madly, deeply in love with you and I wish you were here to hear me say it. I wish you were here to feel my kisses. I wish you were here to feel my hand in your hair. I wish I could hold you one more time. God, I wish you were here so that you would know how much I love you.

You need to know that I would do anything to get you back. I'd do anything to have your lips on mine again. To have these butterflies in my stomach as we do unspeakable things in the nighttime. To have you with me for the rest of my life.

Because that's how I want it to be. Me and you, 'til the end of the line.

I love you, James Buchanan Barnes. I have never really told you and I regret it now. I never told you how much I love you and now you are gone. You were the only Person I knew, the only person I truly trusted. You kept me sane in this mess.

I failed you, Buddy. I lost you again and this time, I don't think I will get you back and it is my fault.

I miss you, my love. I say that alot, I know, but I can't get you out of my head.

I need to know, are you doing okay up there? Are you eating enough? Do you get enough sleep? Are your nightmares any better? Sh*t, i wish I could comfort you, like I used to. Have you seen anyone you know? Maybe your parents? Or mine?

If heaven ever gets lonely, you know where to find me.

Promise me to come back, at least give me a sign. Show me that you are here, love. Give me a sign to carry on with this misery I am stuck in without you.

I am not Captain America, not without you by my side.

In Love, your Steve.



It's not an imagine but I always wanted to write something about Stucky. Hope you enjoy it :)

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