#30 Bruce Banner x Reader - La Douleur Exquise

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Imagine: "You do this thing to me that not even science can describe. You are the light that shows me the way home, a shelter from the cold, and wherever this wild heart of mine may roam, it will always love you."

Warnings: sad sad sad

Word Count: 858

Bruce swallowed audibly around the lump in his throat and tried to avoid the mirror in front of him as much as possible while he got ready.

His heart skipped a beat at the sound of the door opening. When he whirled around he was face to face Rhodey.

"Hey man, how're you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm good, thanks."

Rhodey looked him up and down before giving him a light slap on the shoulder. "Everything will be fine, Doc. Just breath."

Bruce nodded, clasping a hand over his chest in an attempt to slow his racing heart. His stomach was doing somersaults, a mess of jumbled emotions and he didn't know which one to feel. What was appropriate for such an important day?

"I- I'm not sure if i can do this. I don't know if I can, Rhodey." Bruce stammered.

He wrung his hands tightly, flexing and relaxing his fists. Rhodey picked up his tux jacket and held it up for Bruce to slip in. With trembling arms and a little help of Rhodey, he managed to put in on.

"Look, man. I know you're nervous, but, you are going out there like the big man you are." Rhodey encouraged.

Bruce let out a shaky breath as he looked at himself in the full-length mirror. The tuxedo he wore suited him perfectly and with the smile he forced on his face, he looked more or less presentable.

"I can do this." He mumbled to himself.

"You can do this, Doc. Now, come on, Tony is waiting and we have a wedding to attend." Rhodey acknowledged.


Bruce took his place near the altar, his eyes focused on the doors that you were about to walk through.

There was a small amount of people, nothing big or grand - just the way you wanted it.

He held his breath as the familiar wedding song began to play and the doors slowly opened. The congregation rose to their feet as your brother made his way up the aisle, Wanda and Natasha only a few feet behind him. 

They looked absolutely stunning wrapped in emerald gowns that was accompanied by a ring of lime green flowers atop their heads.

As they took their places, the girls send little smiles towards Bucky and Steve. The volume of the song increased and the shuffle of the congregation made their impatient known.

And then, there your were, in a stunningly gorgeous wedding dress with lace sleeves that wrapped up your arms and shoulders. You began the painstakingly slow march down the aisle with Rhodey on your arm.

You took the first few steps.

Only now Bruce realized how much he really loved you, how much he would cherish and appreciate you.

A few more steps.

He'd savor every moment, every second, with you. From waking up with you to fall a sleep with you.


Bruce would protect you at all costs. Just the thought of you getting hurt made him queasy. He'd protect you with his life 


He would be your rock, the one you'd need for comfort and support. Bruce would do everything to make you happy.


And Bruce wanted you to be happy. More than anything. Even if it meant watching you as you took the hand of his best friend, gazing up at him with the smile he had come to love.

Even if it meant hearing the promises Tony spoke aloud, the promises he had already made to you.

Even if it meant to endure the pain of fresh heartbreak as you and Tony shared a passionate kiss, one he'd dreamt of sharing with you for so long.

But, there was nothing he could do. Afterwards, Clint and Rhodey send him a pained look, Natasha squeezed his arm comfortably and Wanda bowed her head as she felt his grief.

He congratulated Tony warmly, forcing that smile back on his lips.

There was nothing he could do as you  dashed towards him, engulfing him in a loving hug, knocking him off balance.

Nothing he could do but hold you for as long as possible.

"You are the best, Bruce. Don't you ever forget that." You whispered, pulling back to kiss his cheek.

You got pulled away by Tony, attending your first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Stark, before he got the chance to answer.

Bruce had this weird theory that some people are drawn to each other because their atoms were near each other when the universe was created. And over time the same atoms keep coming back together.

Maybe you and Tony were meant for each other after all.

There was nothing he could do. He just wanted you to be happy, that's all that ever mattered.

And you are, not in the way he expected or hoped. But you are happy, that's all that mattered.

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