#20 Steve Rogers x Reader - I can do this all day

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Imagine: Bucky always brings Steve to you when he picks another fight so you could treat his wounds. This time however, you had enough of him getting hurt.

(Pre-serum Steve Rogers)

Warnings: None

Word Count: 574

"Steve is not a puppy, he does not wear his heart on his sleeve. He is still and steady and tries so very hard not to be easy to read because Steve's live is pain he cannot share for fear of having his personhood literally revoked. He doesn't meet your eyes until he's finished speaking. Steve rarely smiles and when he does, they are rarely bright. [...]
Steve Rogers starts fights. Steve Rogers stands as straight as he can with his crooked spine because he refuses to let you assume he can't. [...]"

Steve winces as you press the damp cloth to his already bruising face. Blood coated his nostrils in dried patches, his right eye is bloodshot and his knuckles are decrepit.

Bucky frowns at his friend from the doorway of your bathroom as you patch up his latest wounds.

"How many times have I told you to stop picking fights you can't win?" You ask sternly as you clean a cut on his cheek.

As the cloth makes contact with his skin he hisses but he would never admit that he is in pain.

"You might have mentioned is a couple of times." Steve chuckles.

You narrow your eyes at him as you place the cloth in the sink. You lean back against the counter with your arms crossed over your chest.

"Bloody hell..." Bucky mumbles as he turns away from the bathroom. He hastily walks down the hallway, hands in pockets as he rushes away from the scene Steve is about to face.

"You, Rogers, are an idiot!" You say, pointing to his chest. "This is the third time I have cleaned you up this this week. I am your girlfriend but that doesn't make me your personal nurse. Either you stop getting yourself hurt or you leave this house! I am tired and sick of worrying about your safety. What if Bucky returns home without you one day?"

Steve looks down to his hands and fiddles with his fingers, a guilty look on his face. You shake your head as you back away from the counter to put away the first aid kit.

As you turn around and face the cupboard two arms circle around your waist and a chest is pressed flush against your back.

You sigh as Steve presses sweet kisses to your bare shoulder. "I'm Sorry..." He mutters in between kisses.

"That's what you told me last time and the time before..."

"But I mean it this time, I am truly sorry. I would rather stop picking fights than losing you, doll." Steve whispers in a gentle tone, a sweet smile plastered on his face. You close the cupboard before turning in his arms.

"No more fights, Steve. Promise me." Your arms drape over your shoulders, your fingers playing with his blond hair.

His hand moves from your waist to your cheek, his thumb brushes over your bottom lip, "I promise."

You smile as you lean towards him, his lips meet yours halfway and your eyes close as Steve brings his second hand up to your face. "I love you, Steve." You whisper against his lips as you pull away.

He pecks your lips again before answering. "I love you too."

Marvel Imagines - Book 1 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt