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After Vander died, the children I grew up with parted ways, involuntarily. I didn't even know if some of them were alive or not. They were almost forgotten to me, small blots in my timeline.

I remember the event that started our demise. Like it was yesterday. Vivid in my mind, burned into my eyes. The explosion at the apartment of a scientist. A scientist that was now "The Man Of Progress."

After that, enforcers came for us. Hunted us down like vagrant criminals, worthy of death and death alone. We were only children, wanting to prove ourselves to the world. The outcasts in a world which would never accept us. Never accept someone like me. They took Vander, stole our only comfort from our prying arms. That's when we realized that the cruelty in the Lanes ran far deeper than outside our humble abode. And those above us saw us as mere mortals, and who would do anything to keep the violence from seeping into the ignorant. They wanted to erase us, pretend we never existed.

Silco. Satan incarnate himself. Vander's brother. He was behind it all, running a large operation underside. Releasing shimmer, manipulating and taking advantage of the abundant poverty. And no one noticed. They let it happen, like we were some pawns in a "great scheme."

I remembered losing track of Vi and Powder that day. Seeing Vander's, Claggor's, and Mylo's dead corpses on the ground. The two sisters were probably dead. But they never left my mind. Everyday and every night I lay awake thinking of them. One more than the other, I will ashamedly admit. But how could I not? Her blazing eyes and fiery soul were intertwined with mine in ways I could not describe. Once, I thought myself foolish for this. But after centuries, I realize it was the only thing keeping everything from falling apart.

Those sisters were what I was thinking about this day, walking through the sunny streets of Piltover. Years up here still couldn't get me used to the drastic difference between here, and home. Or what used to be home.

"Hey, what world are you on?" A hand shoved my shoulder playfully, and I gasped. I looked to my side, seeing a familiar blue-haired, blue-eyed face looking back at me.

Right. Get back on the job. I was walking aimlessly.

"This world. Duh, Caitlyn. Don't be absurd." I dusted off my blue clad enforcer uniform, looking to take the attention off of me.

She straightened the collar on her identical uniform. She smirked at me, shoving me through the street. I laughed along, letting my smile hide the bags under my eyes and disguise the wrinkles on my forehead.

We reached her mother's tent, taking our corresponding posts outside. I sighed as I adjusted my uncomfortable skirt, preparing to stand here for the next couple hours.

But just because it was Progress Day didn't mean this day was any different than yesterday for me. Or the day before that. Or before that, or before that as well, or... any day.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a figure sneaking up on Caitlyn.  Jayce, the man of the day himself.

Who was I to ruin his fun? I pretended I hadn't noticed, as he winked at me. I turned away, hiding my smile.

He flicked Caitlyn's hat, making her shout as she spun around to face him, gun to his head. He gasped as Caitlyn shoved him away.


"Serves you right." She huffed.

I chuckled. As much as I hated this job, this city, some of the people were okay.

Caitlyn's eyes shifted to the figure behind her in the distance, making conversation with the guests at her party. Her mother.

"You still avoiding her?" Jayce asked Caitlyn, knowingly.

"We're working." I retorted.

Caitlyn nodded as if to say "Yeah, piss off."

"Oh, I can see that. I mean, there's so much crime to thwart outside your family's tent!" He snarked.

Caitlyn scoffed. "I can only imagine the strings she pulled to have me posted here." I rolled my eyes in agreement.

"I mean it's your fault really, for not following her into a career more 'befitting your station'." Jayce said sarcastically, making air quotes in the air.

Caitlyn sighed in exasperation. "She'd do anything to keep me from seeing the real world." Trust me, you don't want to see it, I thought. The crime in Piltover was child's play compared to what happened daily down under.

Jayce paused for a moment before saying, "Well, at least you'll have front-row seats to the speech."

"Speech?" I questioned.

"Mm-hmm. I'm giving the big address tonight." He gloated.

I gasped, snapping my head to him, sharing a look of astonishment on Caitlyn's face. Heimerdinger always gave the speech.

"Hmm. We really have descended to anarchy!" She said, a tone of surprise still in her voice.

"Yeah whatever. Have fun herding the drunkards." Jayce rolled his eyes, strolling away.

"Happy Progress Day.." I scoffed.

As much I tried to concentrate for the rest of the morning, my thoughts kept moving back to years ago, and to Vi, and Powder. And all the others we lost.

Well, that's why I'm here, isn't it?

Cruel joke.

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