The race for survival..

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" Alexandra" she called stepping forward into the woman's eye line " what are you doing?"

Alex glanced at khaleesi she strapped the reigns tighter on starlight " I'm preparing to leave — I'll take a 100 of my army and head to the castles and villages on the way to evacuate the common people. The night king will no doubt hit"

Daenerys opened her mouth but Alex turned to face her " no you will leave with the unsullied, the Dothraki and the remainder of my warriors too winterfell and prepare there"

Daenerys frowned " the northerners don't know you, they won't leave with you"

Alexandra smiled " I've got a solution ." She saw her solution approach followed by a dire wolf " speaking  of Arya you ready?"

Arya nodded " Yes your grace"

Alexandra rolled her eyes " I told you to call me Alex or Alexandra whichever works." She reached out and in one swift movement saddled the girl on her horse. The wolf inched closer staring at Alex. " your friend ?"

"Jon's dire wolf." Alex nodded and she glanced at Daenerys.

"Arya will help gather the common folk, concentrate on getting to winterfell."

" Alexandra at least take the Dothraki with you too" Alex shook her head

" No, we divide and conquer . That's the best strategy here." Before Daenerys could protest again she squeezed the queens hand " I'll be fine.. I'll return soon and when I do they'll be plenty of more mouths to feed." She brought Danny's hand to his lips and kissed it " Take care Daenerys Targaryen— my army are under strict orders to follow your command only— but the one thing they will not follow is you sending any assistance my way. So don't even attempt it." With that she nodded on last time and easily vaulted herself on starlight the large warhorse.

She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly gaining the attention of her group . She pulled at starlight's reigns. With one final look at Daenerys she clicked her tongue urging the horse forward. The sound of hoove beats trailed after her as she rode at the head of the formation. Starlight wasted no time following it's masters order and broke out into a full gallop. " hold on tight Arya this one rides very very fast"


Last hearth hours later

Alex rode and her contingent rode hard and fast.. when they entered last hearth she abruptly pulled starlights reigns to stop the horse from moving any further. She entered the broken down gates — the smell of death lingered in the air.

"We're too late" she grimly said loud enough for Arya to hear.

"what do you mean? Maybe there's survivors."

Alex shook her head " eyes open, weapons ready, we'll do a quick sweep to check for survivors.." she trailed off " if none are found then we have to assume the dead are already in route to the next castle" she said loud enough for her contingent to hear carefully she lead starlight through the path — she could see the splatters of blood across the blanket of snow. She closed her eyes inhaling a deep breath. Before continuing forward. The homes abandoned, the blood and the lack of bodies were a clear indication of the occurrence.

Alexandra led starlight to the castle " Keep your wits about you Arya" she said in warning " remember prepare to flee on my order" she reminded the girl.

Arya clenched her jaw but nodded none the less " I'm not a child" she added

"You are to me.. a child that has no part in any of this.." she whispered "a child I would've wished to spare the cruelties of the world from.. perhaps with the next generation I can.." she sighed " I know you have skills as a fighter but for now those skills aren't to be used now come on" she said hopping off starlight. Arya and a few of Alex's contingent set to exploring the castle — was they walked through the halls the pungent smell of death and blood got stronger— Alex scrunched her nose but other than that showed no visible reaction.

This was not the planOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora