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Everyone was running out of the burning house. Some people fell over the pieces of the house that had collapsed under the explosion. My vision was blurry and I had a strong pain on the left side of my stomach. I felt warm arms around me carrying me in bridal style while running, it was Izana. He probably picked me up after something exploded near me and I fell to the ground.

"Mikey!" I heard him scream. "Look what you've done, you didn't need to kill South, we were supposed to just talk to him. Look how many you injured and killed!" my ears started making noises and my vision went out.

The next second I woke up in my bed beside Izana. I placed my hand on the left side of my stomach and felt nothing.

"Just a dream," I mumbled and tried to fall asleep again.

But it felt so real.

About 30 minutes passed by and no sleep.


Suddenly arms wrapped around me from behind and I felt breaths on my neck.

"What's wrong Y/N? can't sleep?" I heard Izana's sleepy voice say.

"I just had a strange dream, that's all," I said and placed my hand on his.

"What was the dream about then?" he asked.

"Hmm, everything was burning and I had this pain in my stomach while you carried me-"

"Wait were you pregnant?" he interrupted me.

"What? no, no it was more like I've gotten stabbed," I said.

"Oh, ok so no baby," he said.

"No, no baby. And we're too young for that. Anyways you were screaming at Mikey. You said something about him not having to kill South, and that he injured a lot of people and some were dead. Then I blacked out and woke up here." I said.

"Why would Mikey be willing to kill South? isn't he behind bars now?" 

"I don't know, but it felt so real somehow," I said.

"Try not to think about it so much, it's just a dream," he said. "But now, cuddle me,"

I turned around to face him and saw his beautiful eyes and long eyelashes. I smiled at him and put my hand on the side of his fade and admired it. He smiled back at me and held on to me tighter making our bodies closer to each other. His body was so warm and his smell calms me down. We made eye contact for a while just looking at each other's faces admiring them. He looked down at my lips then up to my eyes again, and I did the same. Both of us leaned in towards each other closing our eyes as our lips connected with each other. My loose hand traveled up his body and I placed it on his chest. He then placed one of his hands on the hand I had placed on his face. The kiss got deeper and we continued until our breaths were out. We let go of each other and I cuddled up to him to get comfortable.

"What about going on a date tomorrow," he said.

I just nodded my head and closed my eyes. Soon both of us were sleeping again hugging each other.

The next day I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I could still feel Izana's arms around me. I looked up to see his face peacefully sleeping. I tried to get out of his grip but he just held on tighter.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled.

I smiled at him and gave him a lil kiss. 

After about ten minutes we got out of the room to make some breakfast. I made the breakfast as Izana cleaned the dishes. When it was done we just sat down and ate it while talking.

"So what do you want to do first today?" Izana asked and showed bacon in his mouth.

"Walk around the city and see if there's something fun there maybe," I said and he nodded.

"Then we can take a late-night walk on the beach," he said.

"Yeah that sounds nice," I said and gave him a smile.

We finished our breakfast then went to get dressed and brush our teeth. I put on some clothes then fixed my hair and made myself ready for the day. I walked out of the room and saw Izana ready at the front door. I went to him and put on my shoes. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked out of the door. I locked the door and we began to walk into the city. 

We arrived at the city and there were loads of people there, more than usual. I assumed that something was happening because of all the people. We went to the park in the city and walked around. We came to a bridge over some water where ducks swam. We saw a lady selling bread and went to her to buy some. Then we got back on the bridge and feed the ducks. All of the ducks came towards us and started eating. Suddenly I saw one duck shyly swimming towards us. When I looked at it I saw small Ducklings swimming slowly behind I assume her. I went to the side of the bridge where I could reach the water and the little family swam towards me. I reached out my hand with a small piece of bread in my hand and gave it to the mom. The small ducklings quickly swam towards me and opened their mouths to get some too. I chuckled at them and handed everyone their own little piece of bread. I heard Izana chuckle from the bridge while watching me. Then I heard him take a photo of me and I turned towards him with a confused face.

"Why did you take a picture?" I asked.

"Your smile looked so beautiful and you looked so cute feeding the little ducks so I took a picture, it'll last longer," he said and smiled at me.

I just smiled at him and stood up again walking towards him. I heard the little ducks making sounds swimming after me and I waved them goodbye. We began to walk back to the city again because we ran out of bread. 

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