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You got out of the bathroom then saw Izana in the kitchen making pancakes. Then you noticed one more guy with the same uniform as the two of you sitting at the table with his back at you. Izana noticed you and waved giving you a smile.

"Look, Kaku, she does fit in the uniform," He said as the guy turned around to look at you. Then you noticed what Izana called him and saw the scar on his face.

"K... Kaku-chan?" you said walking to the table.

"Oh, hi Y/N, long time no see," he said standing up to give you a hug.

You guys talked while eating Izana's yummy pancakes. Then you helped him clean up the kitchen when you were finished. 

"When does the meeting start?" you asked while putting the plates in the dishwasher.

"At 5 pm so in two hours," Kaku said.

"So we can go around the city for an hour or so so that Y/N can get some needy stuff," Izana said.

"Yeah that ok with me," Kaku said.

"Ok then, come on out you two," you said finishing what you were doing than walking to the door.

You guys put on your shoes and went out. You went into the elevator and pressed the button to the first floor while the boys stood on each side of you. The elevator stopped on the fourth floor and a man came into the elevator meeting you and the two muscular boys. it almost looked like they were your bodyguards. The doors opened and revealed the front door of the building. You walked outside as the sun shined onto your faces. You began to walk towards where the stores were with them still beside you as your bodyguards. You saw some guys looking at you guys in fear, but you decided to ignore it. The first store you went into where one with clothes in. You guys split up because you had to buy underwear so you told them to look for something for themselves. When you got to the underwear section there was only one other girl there. She had long beautiful blonde hair and fox-like eyes. You picked out some sports bras and underwear. The girl came up behind you and you noticed that.

"Nice taste you got," she said to you. You turned around and saw that you guys had picked out some things that were the exact same.

"You too," you said giving her a smile.

"I'm Shiba Yuzuha, and you?" she said.

"I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet ya," you said.

"You seem cool, wanna hang out sometime?" she then asked you.

"Yes of course. Here can I get your number?" you said giving her your phone. She gladly accepted it and typed her number for you and added her to your contacts.

"Text me later ok, I have to go now because my brother needs help with something, agh that crackhead probably got stuck with some girl when he had to pay but couldn't talk to her, that shy little blueberry head. But I love him and I'll gladly help him, cya Y/N" she said walking towards the cashier to pay then went out of your sight. You just chuckled and started looking for some more clothes you needed. 

After finding some pj's and clothes you could have on a daily basis you went to the cashier to pay. After that, you meet up with the boys and saw that they actually found some stuff for themselves.

"Whoa, I see that you guys found some things," you said as you looked at the bags. 

"Yeah, Izana has an obsession with clothes," Kaku said.

"As if you don't have it Kaku, you have one more bag than me right now," Izana said with a little laugh. "And you Y/N, I can see that you found some things too. Are you good for today or do you need something more?" he then said.

"No, I'm fine, we can go back and drop this off if there's nothing more to do," you said as they nodded yes at you.

You guys walked back to the apartment to leave your things. When you were done you guys went downstairs again to their bikes. You sat behind Izana and wrapped your arms around him. Then they drove off to the meeting place.

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