Beginne am Anfang

Even though before I convinced Dr Strange to do the spell, life wasn't great, I had almost everyone I could've ever wanted in my life, but I had to go and screw it up.

Well. It's time to go. I grab my keys and slip on my coat.


I arrived at the small cafe around 4 and there she was, as beautiful as ever.

She's even wearing the broken black dahlia necklace.

I sniff and walk in.

"Hey, Peter Parker. Your coffee's almost ready." MJ smiled in my direction.

I love how she says my full name. I know she uses it to joke about the "first time we met" but it's nice to have a reminder that she sort of knows me.

God, I miss her.

"Thanks, Michelle."

If I call her Michelle then she's not the MJ I know therefore it's less painful. That's great logic for you there.

"How many times, Peter? Call me MJ." She rolls her eyes playfully and I just about break into sobs right then and there.

She walks back over with my coffee and at a last attempt to make her remember anything I ask her the question that could change everything. I pray it changes everything.

"Um, Michelle-"

"MJ." She cuts me off.

I clear my throat. No. Tears.

"MJ, where'd you get that necklace you're always wearing?"

"Oh this?" She holds the broken black dahlia in her hand, "Honestly, I don't remember, I just know that someone really special gave it to me, could've been my mom or an old friend I guess. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." I mumble looking down at the coffee in my hands.

Suddenly I can't breathe and the weight of everything that's happened recently crushes my ribs and seeps into my vision.

I can feel the tears spilling over and I hear them hitting the cup underneath me.

"Peter? Are you okay?" I hear MJ ask.

I wish I could tell her that everything is fine and pay then just walk out, but I can't even lift my head let alone walk back to my apartment.

"Peter?" Her voice sounds more urgent and I find the strength to look up.

Her eyes. I missed her eyes.

Filled with worry before I leave for patrol, filled with love when we are together. I've lost her.

I wish I knew how to fix this. I wish I had someone. Anyone. Who would understand.

"I'm . . . good." I finally manage out after catching my breath.

"Are you okay?"

I force on a toothy smile, though I know the redness of my face and her witnessing what just happened proves the exact opposite of what I'm trying to project, "Why wouldn't I be?"

She gives me a sympathetic half smile and walks the other way. I let out a sigh of relief.

She hands me a glass of water and I look at her confused.

"I don't think coffee is a good idea to drink after what just happened and I know we aren't that close, but if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here."

"Thanks, Michelle." I nod.

I grab my wallet and pay for both before leaving the small cafe.

Every day's the same.

Peter Stark one-shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt