A few hours and countless drinks later, we were all pretty drunk. We ended up canceling the cooking plans because none of us should be trusted around knives and hot surfaces while intoxicated, so we ordered a pizza. Clay and I were the most coherent, but even we were still stumbling around. The afternoon had gone well, Clay was much nicer when he was drunk and I made an effort not to wind him up too much. I was actually enjoying our conversations, even though we both were slurring some of our words and sounded really stupid. The others were too distracted to notice how much we'd been talking all day.

"Can we play a game?" Catherine asked, looking at all of us. The sun had just finished setting, and we'd spent most of the day trying to watch movies but ended up talking through most of it. The alcohol had made Catherine and George as well as Mina and Nick act more couply than they had before. The girls were sat in the boys' laps, kissing every so often. Clay and I would fake groans whenever we'd see it, but we both agreed that they were actually pretty cute. 

"Truth or dare?" George suggested, taking a big swig from his drink.

We all nodded and got up to sit in a circle on the floor. "You first, Nick, truth or dare?" I asked, angling toward him.

"Truth," he decided almost instantly.

"When did you start liking Mina?" I asked. She was sitting right next to me, so she reached over to hit my arm lightly.

"I liked her for a while, honestly. She would always end up in streams with some of our friends and I thought she was hot." He said, sheepishly, "but I never had the balls to reach out until recently and I knew you guys didn't like us much. I think I first noticed her even before we all started beefing though. George? Truth or dare?"

"Truth," he echoed Nick's choice. 

"Did you really want to come to see Clay and me, or did you come because you wanted an excuse to go see Catherine?" he laughed.

Catherine's cheeks blazed and I could tell George was a little embarrassed too. "I mean, I did want to see you guys, but I was hoping I could meet up with Cat at least once," he looked at her and gave her a gentle kiss. "No offense guys, but I'm so happy I thought this little feud was dumb and I snuck into Catherine's DMs, even though I knew you'd be mad. It was worth it. Clay, truth or dare?"

He thought for a second, "dare."

"I dare you to say three nice things about Syd." I wanted to curl up and die.

"She smells nice, her hair is pretty, and she can handle her liquor pretty well," he said, looking directly into my eyes. "That's all you're getting from me, Squid. Cherish it. Catherine, truth or dare?" Clay asked. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck out my tongue. 

"Dare!" She said, holding back her hiccups.

"I dare you to let George tweet something from your account." Catherine pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to George, who had a devilish smile on his face. We all pulled out our phones, ready to read and reply.

Catherine // @catherinegames76

guys i take back everything i ever said about the boys, but especially george. he is so handsome and beautiful and funny and good at minecraft and i have the biggest crush on him. i'm going to be changing my handle to catherinenotfound as a sign of my affection and dedication. this is now a gogy update account.

George // @georgenotfound

damn you tryna hit it?

SapNap // @sapnap

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