The Chase (A)

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After our week vacation, Leah and I had to return home. We were more relaxed and better you could say. Calmer.

The pack seemed happy about that, except Jacob. He hadn't changed at all, still moping and angry. Embry was the one on his bad side this time. All he said was he should try some methods that Leah and I learned.

For once Jacob got in trouble, or was on the stern end of Sam's response. Leah and I found out that Emily said something, she told him that the pack was unfairly treating Leah and me. They should be more accepting and respecting of our emotions. Sam was trying, it wasn't perfect, but they were trying.

When I got home my mom was just leaving for a date night with Charlie. She bid me goodbye and that left me and Eve.

"so, how was your vacation with Leah?" She smirked. My eyes narrowed.

"not like that, Leah's my friend. But it was good, we got a break, Korinna taught us some techniques to control our emotions. Yoga was one of them. We really just spent the week camping"

"yeah, camping in the middle of nowhere. Don't tell people that, they'll think something more was happening"

"you're funny." I replied sarcastically.

Eve smiled "I try to be. But seriously it's probably a good thing that you got away. If you spend more time with your little girly friend you might as well move in"

"not my girlfriend." I mumbled

"that's your prerogative, but you better chill if Val finds out we're both in trouble" my eyes widened. If my mom found out she would almost demand she meet her and then it would really look like we were dating. I didn't want to do that.

"well, I'm going to bed" I entered my room to find the tiny pixie sitting on my bed. I knew she was here the moment I pulled into the drive, but I couldn't give that away. It would make the teasing worse if Eve knew there was a girl in my room. "Alice?"

She turned to look at me her eyes full of shock "you're back"

"Yeah, I'm assuming that since you're in my room in the dark there was something you needed."

"oh yeah. But I'm glad you're back, I missed our talks."

"Leah and I just needed a break." I saw Alice purse her lips. She definitely heard what Eve was talking about. "So, what's up?"

"Edward is taking Bella to Jacksonville this weekend. We think Victoria is going to attempt another attack this weekend"

I nodded "we'll keep our eyes open"

"now do you want to tell me what happened? Why'd you leave?"

"So much. I mean surrounded by guys who think emotions aren't good or think that my emotions are just hormones and not valid complaints or issues."

"I'm sorry. You know you could always come to our house; I'm sure Lucia and Emmett would love to hear about your bear hunts. And Jasper likes that he can't smell you it makes him feel more in control."

"but Rosalie... I don't want to impose. Plus, I have Leah, she is my imprint after all"

"I thought imprints were like soulmates"

I shook my head "no, I mean for the Quileutes, yeah, but for me it's just someone who leaves a mark on my life and someone I leave a mark on. You know. Someone who makes you better"

"hmm" Alice furrowed her brows "well, I better get back. But we're still here if you want to come by" I bid her goodnight and planned to keep my eyes open for the red head.

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