A New Home (A)

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"Good morning, little man" I said as I woke up my son.

"morning Momma"

"you ready to see grandma?" Demetri nodded excitedly. Rose had already pulled out a pair of clothes for him to wear. I had already put the gifts in my car, showered, and got dressed. All that was left was Demetri.

We went to my mom's on Christmas day, Demetri, Rose, Edward, Renesmee, Bella, Leah, Nestor, Seth, and me, plus, Sam, Emily, Sue, Charlie, Eve and Mark.

The home was overflowing with different smells, foods, decorations, it was like Christmas always was, we did visit the last few days for our Jewish traditions and food, but Christmas was always a surprise. My mom and Eve went all out. Demetri stepped into the living room, and stopped the moment he saw the Christmas tree.

"wow" I chuckled at him

"pretty isn't it?"

He nodded his head excitedly looking at the large tree. Rosalie stood right next to me a smile on her face as she too took in the home. Demetri was wearing the jacket that Emmett and Lucia got him, and the watch that Carlisle and Esme got him. Rose and I settled for something a little smaller, Legos. Demetri had some creativity in his bones, and he could play with them for years (I hoped).

The moment Demetri saw my mom he took off running for her "grandma"

I watched him with a serene sense of peace, Demetri acted so much like a kid, more than Renesmee did. Though she was a lot like her mom, she would rather show people everything rather than talk, Demetri was very vocal. He had very little in the way of a filter – kind of like Emmett but also Rose.

"there he is" my mom said with a smile on her face. I watched as she doted over him.

Edward and Rose had gone in together and ordered a gift for Charlie. It had shown up yesterday - priority overnight shipping - and Charlie spent all morning reading the thick instruction manual to his new fishing sonar system.

It was hard to think about Christmas with everything, but Rose helped me make a scrapbook for my mom and aunt. We had taken pictures of Demetri and them and put them all together so they could always have a piece of us with them no matter where we went. There was even pages available for more pictures. Everyone doted over Nestor, glad to see Leah find her mate. Sue adored him, Emily was happy and even Sam welcomed him.

Everyone dispersed soon after lunch. Demetri was eager to try everything but of course his little stomach couldn't, so my mom promised to send him one with one of everything.

"you're trying to give me a child jacked up on sugar aren't you?" I asked my mom. By now everyone was gone except for Rose, Demetri, Eve, and me. Leah and Seth went to their moms for the evening, Nestor joining them on the holiday events.

"no" my mom replied almost scandalized "I just don't want leftovers. Plus, I know it will get eaten with you guys."

"thank you mom" she smiled with watery eyes. Eve approached us with a small package.

"there is one more" Eve handed me the package.


"well, it's technically for you and Rosalie" my mom said gaining Rose's attention, she walked over to me with a sleeping Demetri in her arms. I opened the package to reveal a small box, inside was a key.

A house key.


She and Eve smiled at me "it's time to pass it down" I knew what she meant, the home, it was passed down to them by my grandfather.

"mom, we can't-"

"you can and you will. Eve is living with Mark and i moved in with Charlie last month... Neither of us need a big house. You're all grown up with a little one of your own, a new family of your own. Esme helped us redesign some stuff..."

"it's all yours Al" Eve replied looking at me. "which means you can clean up" she chuckled, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Merry Christmas and happy late birthday" she kissed my cheek then kissed Demetri on the forehead, doing the same to Rosalie before leaving.

"come on, I'll show you Demetri's room before we leave"

My mom led us upstairs where I saw somethings had changed, the rooms looked a little renovated, where Eve's room used to be had changed. There was a small bed covered in white and grey sheets that had small wolfs and trees all along it. It looked like a typical toddler's room, a toy chest with cars, fake fishing sets -from Charlie no doubt.

"Mom..." I looked back at her.

"I don't need the house anymore, it's yours. Forever. Plus who knows how many kids you and Rose might have" If Rose could blush I was certain she would be.

"it's beautiful Val"

My mom smiled at her "you're welcome Rose, just take care of my girl"

"I will" With that my mom was leaving.

"Welcome home" Rose said kissing me. "we should get back, so that we can thank Esme."

I nodded and led them out to the car, grabbing some of the snacks for the other members of the pack. I knew Seth and Nestor would enjoy them. Plus, Renesmee likes some food. Rose shook her head amusedly.

Despite the new home, I think we would feel better with the Cullen's until everything was over. 

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