The Battle (A)

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The night was dark but the full moon lit up the earth good enough that even a human could see perfectly. Our pack was hidden behind a huge boulder, I could smell my mate just on the other side. I was a little antsy about that but I trusted her to watch out, I trusted Emmett and Lucia to watch over her, just as I trusted Jasper to watch over the others.

Alice was one I wasn't too worried about; she was fast and could defend herself. Truthfully i was more worried about Carlisle and Esme, I mean sure I worried about Rose, but I would always worry. She was my mate, my love. But Carlisle and Esme, they were too compassionate this would be harder for them that anyone else.

I could hear the pounding of feet, feel the shaking of the ground. A wild thrum filled me as my paws felt the dozens of beasts running towards us.

Then a scent I feared filtered through the air, a scent that i recognized and would never forget, followed by a gasp of fear. I almost abandoned Sam's order and launched myself to protect my family.

Then the fighting began, like rocks breaking I heard the tearing of heads, the loud booming of connected bodies. Then Sam's voice 'now'

With one word we launched ourselves over the large boulder right into a sea of newborns. The moment we landed the crowd dispersed. Like a well-oiled machine the Cullens worked together with the pack, destroying newborns left and right.

I focused on the three werewolves that were assembled, now I knew why they waited until the full moon to attack. The others helped with the newborns, Paul and Sam helped me with the werewolves, as they were the ones to see how it was done.

I saw the first werewolf cornering Esme and Carlisle; they were not prepared for this. I launched myself at it, my jaw gripping its neck. Esme and Carlisle were able to move while Leah helped me rip this one apart. Sam, Paul, and Embry took another one.

The third on tried to get Lucia who was easily dodging and avoiding the claws, like the first one I launched myself into the beast, distracting its claws and teeth long enough, allowing Lucia and Emmett to tear it apart.

From there we were free to finish off the newborns.

I grabbed any that I could, ripping their heads from their shoulders easily and staying in close distance to Rosalie. Embry and Leah were having an easier time than the other wolves.

Everything was going to plan. Until of course it didn't.

I acted on instinct, I had to protect both my mate and imprint. Three newborns, one had Leah's neck in its grasps, one was sneaking up on Rosalie, who was busy fighting off another. I ran as fast as I could darting across the field tackling the one on Leah first before barreling into the other.

The one that was on Leah, wrapped its hands around my neck before sinking its teeth into my skin, the one trying to kill Rosalie was fast and got behind me.

I flung myself onto the ground like a horse, throwing one of the newborns into Lucia's grasp, the other held on tighter constricting the bones in my chest. I don't remember what I was thinking but the thought of dying here was not an option, so I used my back legs and stood up high like a bear, before throwing myself back into the rocks behind me.

Three things happened at once. I felt a deafening pain in my side and back, I heard the crackling of thunder, the pieces of rocks falling to the ground, and I heard Rosalie's scream. I was descended upon by the others my ears mind was filled with the packs voices.

I gently lowered myself to the ground, pain erupting the moment my paws touched the earth. It was too much that I found myself collapsing onto the grassy floor beneath me.

"Carlisle!" I heard Rosalie scream as she looked down at me. The sound of growls and fighting faded before the sound of yelling. Bella, maybe. I couldn't remember anything other than Rosalie trying to get me to phase back to human form. Carlisle's soothing voice alongside hers. I heard the snapping of bones, the shimmering of the air. A sign that the pack was phasing back. I heard Leah and Embry's panicked voices followed by Sam's stern order. I heard Bella, somewhere in the mix.

I tried to imagine myself as a human, it was the most painful transition I have ever felt. No sooner was I in my human skin did I feel something propped over me and then the cool fingers prodding at my side.

"Carlisle, they bit her" I heard faintly.

"the bones on her left half are shattered" Carlisle's voice flooded in.

"we have to get her out of here, the Volturi wont honor treaties with wolves "Edward trailed off, I wasn't sure when he and Bella got here, after I was injured but I hoped Seth was okay.

I hope everyone was okay.

"We'll take her home" I heard Sam's voice reverberate through the small meadow.

"Rosalie you have to stay, the Volturi know you're a member of the coven. They'll get suspicious if you leave"

"I'll be there as soon as I can"

I felt hands underneath me, picking me up carefully. Despite the fact that I should be healing it still felt agonizing, the worst pain I'd ever felt. Like every movement was further breaking the bones.

"we got you" I heard one of them whisper, Paul maybe, before my eyes closed.

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