Trying (A)

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I walked through the house each step causing me to relax further. It was when I stepped into my room that I realized the reason behind this. I should have been concerned, angry even but I wasn't. I couldn't be, I understood her retreat, her distance. Leah was right, I would rather forgive her for being cautious rather than be miserable forever.

Perhaps I was too exhausted to worry about anything, exhausted both mentally and physically.

I watched the blonde from the doorway, she knew I was there, but her eyes were caught on something lying on the bed. The same thing Alice had been messing with, a beautiful canvas of golden eyes.

Her head turned slightly to look at me, if she had been human, I would have said she had been crying. Her eyes met mine and like before it was like the flashlight in the dark, but I didn't hold hope that she would stay, in fact I expected her to run away the moment I looked at her.

"you were hurt" it wasn't a question but a statement. I wanted to reply with a snarky comment. She hadn't cared in the last month when she ignored me. But I couldn't.

"I've had worse." It was true, the werewolf was worse. But her leaving hurt more too.

She crossed the room quickly, her face betraying her voice, she was scared. Her hand paused just above the pink lines on my arm from the fight with Victoria. I moved forward gently allowing her fingers to graze the marks that would soon be gone.

It was electrifying, like my body was alight, like small sparks going through my nervous system bringing a feeling I had never felt before. It was so intimate, yet completely innocent. I let out a sigh as her fingers continued to trail the lines.

Then her eyes met mine and she didn't run.

"I hurt you" she whispered.

"what changed?" I asked. What had made her runaway before but not now.

"so many things. Edward was the one to finally get me to see. I was afraid. I didn't want to bring you into my world. I told Edward it was too dangerous for the human, and I would rather be miserable than bring you into this, this world of forever ageless, frozen." Her face turned downcast, and it broke my heart more.

"You didn't bring me into this. I was always destined for this"

"you got hurt because of my family." Her fingers trailed over the bite mark on my hand.

"but you saved me" I sighed again as her fingers danced along my skin "Rosalie, I'm part of the supernatural, it wasn't your fault. This is my life and I really hoped you'd be there" I mumbled.

Rosalie looked up at me "Alice always said you'd be there. She couldn't see you personally, but we talked about you. I talked about you. You were more than a friend." She paused "I'm sorry I left, you deserve to grow old and be happy."

"I won't be anywhere near as happy with someone else as I would with you. I've been trying to get you out of my mind for three years..." I admitted with a little blush.

"three years?" she asked with slight amusement.

I chuckled "how could you not know? You've consumed my thoughts ever since you showed up. I always thought I was sneaky, but Alice always caught it"

"I guess I had a better time hiding it. Edward told me that we can all have our happily ever after. He got his and now it's time for me to get mine."

"you deserve happiness just like everyone else." I replied looking into her eyes, trying to convey my feelings. I did love her, part of it was the mate bond but the other part was Alice. She sang Rosalie's praise, and I can't help but love her.

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