A True Leader (A)

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I felt sicker than Seth as I watched Sam plan it out, trying to work the angles to give each member of the pack the best chance of survival. Paul would take Emmett, Sam- Lucia, Jacob had the pleasure of taking Edward and Rosalie. I watched in horror at his sick idea.

This was wrong, this was my family they were killing. My family, who had done nothing but accept and help, who saved my life many times. My love.

'Pull it together, Alex,' Sam ordered. 'The tribe comes first.'

I couldn't do it, there had to be something. I was an Amarok and I protected not only humans but vampires too, the supernatural in general. I allowed them a choice. And the treaty was still intact. I would not go back on my word.

Even more so this was my mate, my child, my family, my sisters, and brothers. I felt more at home with them than the pack, with Carlisle's immediate trust of me, with Emmett and Jasper seeing me as equals and not weaker. I was part of their family not someone they had to watch out for.

I braced myself 'no'

Sam snarled and stopped pacing right in front of me. He stared into my eyes and a deep growl slid between his teeth.

'Yes' the Alpha decreed, his double voice blistering with the heat of his authority. 'There are no loopholes tonight. You, Alex, are going to fight the Cullens with us. You, with Paul will take care of Jasper and Emmett. You are obligated to protect the tribe. That is why you exist. You will perform this obligation and prove you position as the Beta.'

My shoulders hunched as the edict crushed me. My legs collapsed, and I was on my belly under him. My body wracked with pain. No member of the pack could refuse the Alpha. Then another voice filtered through.

"You have the true spirit of the wolf. The spirit of our people is routed so deeply in you. Once you find your center"

"you are my Great Granddaughter, the Great Granddaughter of Ephraim Black the last Alpha. Imprint or not you carry his genes in you."

"You will be the one to bring our people back"

And there it was—a thought I'd let go so many months ago. But now, with my legs all tied up in strings, I recognized the exception with relief—more than relief, with a fierce joy.

No one could dispute the Alpha's decision— except for the rightful alpha. The descendant of Ephraim, I always thought it was Jacob, but Korinna was right, I had the blood of an alpha running through me.

There were things that had been born in me, things that I'd left unclaimed.

Sam stayed above me willing me to stay down. I strained against his voice, pushing my body to the sky, standing tall above Sam.

'I will NOT!' I yelled through the link, my eyes level with Sam 'I am the granddaughter of Ephraim Black. I am the granddaughter of a chief! I am the last Alpha of the Amarok; I have the spirit of my people. I wasn't born to follow the Quileutes. I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else!'

I growled deeper causing Sam and the others to shrink a little. I bit at Sam, tackling him before throwing him into Jacob, the two knocked onto the ground. Then I turned, digging my nails into the earth, racing away from the uproar I'd caused.

I didn't have much time, I had to warn my family, my Coven, and my pack. Leah was the only one with a prayer of outrunning me, and I knew she wouldn't, Sam would be a fool to order her.

The howling faded with the distance, and I took comfort as the sound continued to rip apart the quiet night. They weren't after me yet. I knew I needed to break the bond I had to the pack and the tribe if I wanted to be with Rosalie.

I never knew how before, I never believed it before, but Korinna was right, I was born to lead, even if it meant as a lone wolf. I sprinted toward the house that held my family, my mate and child. To protect my family.

The sound I'd been fearing interrupted my dazed thoughts—it was the soft impact of big paws against the ground, chasing after me. I threw myself forward, rocketing through the black forest. I just had to get close enough so that Edward could hear the warning in my head. They wouldn't be able to stop me alone, none of them could. I wouldn't let them.

And then I caught the mood of the thoughts behind me. Not anger, but enthusiasm. Not chasing... but following. My stride broke. I staggered two steps before it evened out again.

'Wait up. My legs aren't as long as yours.'

'Seth? What are you doing?'

He didn't answer, but I could feel his excitement as he kept right on after me. I could see through his eyes. The night scene was bleak for me—full of despair. For him, it was hopeful. I hadn't realized I was slowing down, but suddenly he was on my flank, running in position beside me.

'Seth, go home. I'm not going to let you risk everything for me'

The gangly tan wolf snorted. 'I've got your back Alex. I'm not standing behind Sam when he wants to hurt your mate and baby. Plus, we're family, two of a kind'

I skidded to a halt, my nails gouging furrows in the mud. He plopped down on his haunches beside me. 'I'll tell you what I know—I know that it's awful quiet. Haven't you noticed?'

I blinked. My tail swished nervously as I realized what he was thinking underneath the words. It wasn't quiet in one sense. Howls still filled the air, far away in the west.

'They haven't phased back,' Seth said. I knew that. The pack would be on red alert now. They would be using the mind link to see all sides clearly. But I couldn't hear what they were thinking. I could only hear Seth.

No one else.

'Looks to me like separate packs aren't linked. Huh. Guess there was no reason for our fathers to know that before. 'Cause there was no reason for separate packs before. Never enough wolves for two. Wow. It's really quiet. Sort of eerie. But also, kinda nice, don't you think? I bet it was easier, like this, for Ephraim and Quil and Levi. Not such a babble with just three. Or just two.'

I turned towards Seth 'do you really want to do this? Because if you stay you are betraying them'

Seth seemed to think for a moment 'they're the ones betraying you. Sam ordered Jacob to kill your mate... if helping you and honoring our sacred law is cause for banishment then I don't want to be a part of that'

I nodded my wolfy head 'okay, you can stay. We need to keep moving before Sam or Jacob reach us. I don't think Leah would do anything. And she wouldn't try very hard if Sam made her'


I fell into a run again, not pushing myself quite as hard, since Seth wasn't as coordinated as me and his legs were shorter. Seth stayed on my heels, holding the second's traditional place on my right flank. But with just the two of us that was his right. I kind of hoped Leah would come too, but I didn't know what she was going through. The longer she stays the more she'd learn.

And Leah was smart, she would wait until the right moment.

But the silence added to some worry. If I couldn't tap into the pack's mind, it was going to make this more difficult. I'd have no more advance warning of attack than the Cullen's.

Nor would Seth.

'we have to run patrols' I told him. 'if we see the pack we howl and let the Cullens know, okay?'

'yep, we can do that'

'and Seth?'

'yeah?' he asked noticing my change of tone.

'thank you, for helping me protect Rose and..."

"don't worry, I'll be the best uncle' he laughed excitement about the idea of a baby being born. I chuckled, leave it to Seth to be happy, I was glad that he was willing to protect my family too, that he was by my side.

Out of the pack he was the only one besides Leah that truly respected me as a leader. 

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