Reassurances (A)

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Training ended after a few hours or so. When everyone began heading home I led Seth back to La Push and ordered him to go to sleep. He would need it.

After checking in with Sam, I returned to the meadow to find Rosalie looking up at the moon. Her hair shined brightly in the moonlight.

I phased back to sit next to her.

"I've been meaning to ask you something" she said quietly her fingers intertwined with mine.


"yesterday, when the wolves were trying to learn our scents why did they take more time around me than the rest?"

"because of the sacred laws. We can't harm another's imprint or mate, of course they are going to try and not hurt anyone, but we've never dealt with anything like this. It's possible they may accidentally hurt someone, but you. They can't hurt you. If they do they are banished." I looked at her, memorizing her features.

Her golden hair, that was similar to her golden eyes. The relaxed expression on her face, the necklace hanging from her neck. She was perfect, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.


Rose shifted "I'm a little upset that you didn't tell me Leah was a part of the pack"

I tensed. "I'm sorry, but Sam ordered us not too, I can't break his order."

Rose rubbed my stomach "it's okay, I get it. And I'm a little less jealous of Leah now that I know she's a member of the pack."

"she is, just before we officiated our bond. Before the chase with Victoria, we went to Canada."

"the week you were gone?"

I nodded "yeah, we both needed it. Leah is the only female Quileute shifter and we wondered if maybe there was some Amarok DNA in there. So, we went to see my grandmother."

"is she?"

I smiled a little "yeah, she and Seth. My great-great grandfather was part Amarok, he lived a long life with two wives. His first died of old age, but she had a daughter Azra, her line created Seth and Leah. But it's still hard to be a woman in the pack"

"I'm sorry you guys have to deal with that"

The two of us returned to our silence, just holding each other. I kept thinking about the fight coming up, about what was coming. I looked at Rosalie "you aren't still worried about me being weaker than you guys, are you?"

She looked at me still concerned "a little" I smiled lightly before moving to sit in front of her. "what are you doing?"

I looked at her "I want to show you that I am stronger than a human, almost as strong as you or close." I chuckled holding my hand out, Rosalie leans forward and grabs my hand. I look her in the eyes a smile on my face.


"you're going down" Rosalie smirked.


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