To Worse (A)

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Then I heard another scream, a scream, and a howl. Seth came running in his eyes frantic "they're coming... Jacob. Leah and I caught him close by, he knows they're separated."

I looked around "Seth, stay here with Alice... and Rose keep them safe." He looked between everyone. I ushered Alice upstairs.

"I need to find Leah" with that I took off phasing in search of my friend, the only one unaccounted for. Edward, Lucia and Jasper watched me go.

My feet touched the ground, and I took off in search for her. 'Leah?'

'I'm here, they're coming. Jacob he...'

'I know, Seth told us. Bella's gone; the baby was born'

'and Rosalie?'

A pain filled me, and I was open for Leah to see or rather hear 'I don't... I don't know.'

I ran as fast as my paws could take me, reaching Leah in no time. 'They'll be coming head on, Jacob's leading them, Sam must've let him take charge.'

Once Leah and I crossed paths we took off back towards our new home, to our family. We followed the sound of growls and screams. We got there just in time to see Jacob pinning Edward to the ground, he muzzle wide, teeth bared and drool dripping.

I didn't let this stay though, I wouldn't let Jacob kill him and risk Bella waking up alone. I launched myself at the wolf, our bodies colliding harshly.

The two of us engaged in a deadly duel, teeth ripping at skin, fur flying and necks exposed. I wasn't aware of anything else happening until I felt myself getting tackled from the side.


For a split second the three of us stared at each other, a standoff. I knew I was outnumbered, and they knew it too. Sam, Jacob, and I all three in a fierce standoff. I knew I couldn't reason with Jacob, so I tried to reason with Sam.

'Sam, stop this.'

'we must destroy the creatures; you have chosen your side'

'they aren't dangerous, they're just babies Sam' I showed him Renesmee, pink, brown eyes, and a heartbeat. I showed him Rosalie eating food to take care of my baby.

He paused for a second, seeing the baby so human like threw him off and I could tell he was considering backing down, he was considering leaving and waiting to see how the baby would grow.

Jacob though, the leader of his own pack broke through the voices or reason, 'Bella's dead. The Cullen's broke the treaty'

And like that he launched at me again. Sam stayed back, still trying to figure everything out, while Jacob and I dueled. I kept pushing Jacob towards the woods, away from my home, from my family.

I was vaguely aware of the tense standoff between the Cullens and the wolves, no one knew what to do.

Only Jacob and I were fighting.

The two of us threw the other into trees, the ground and anything all while maintaining contact. There was the sound of breaking bones, from both of us, the smell of blood filled the air but neither of us gave up.

At one point Jacob had me pinned to the ground, I was weaker than him, I hadn't slept well or eaten well in nearly a week, and it was taking a toll on me.

His paw pressed into my neck scratching my skin creating deep lacerations and stopping my breath from coming. Somehow I managed to get my feet underneath him and push, but it didn't matter long because another wolf collided with him.


She grabbed my scruff and dragged me back. None of the other wolves made a move. I managed to stand next to Carlisle. I tried to will my weaker body taller than Sam, than Jacob, but they could tell, we were no match for them, we were weaker.

Sam didn't want to fight, he could see my intense desire to protect my family, he didn't want to risk death for it.

"STOP!" Seth yelled jumping down the porch "If you kill her you kill me!"

Sam examined us, I could see which of the pack was his, and which was Jacobs. Paul and Jared stood with Sam, cautious but still, patient. I could see them trying to figure it out, to decide whether they wanted to fight or not.

Jacob had Embry and Quil on his side, not surprising but neither of them looked like they wanted to be here, they didn't want to fight. They never did.

Jacob, however, was not done with me. He was not done with the situation; Bella was gone and to him that was it. He launched himself at Seth, throwing him back. Ripping of clothes and the sound of phasing filled the air, but I didn't allow anything else to happen as I returned the attack on Jacob.

Seth was my pack brother; I was responsible for him. Another part, deep inside told me the only reason to stop Jacob was to beat him, to establish myself above him.

I countered with renewed passion; teeth bared. Our bodies threw against each other again and this time I got the upper hand. no amount of broken bones or injuries would stop me. My teeth wrapped around his throat as my hind legs lifted us higher into the sky.

'ENOUGH! This is over Jacob!' then I tossed him to the side. A feral growl ripped through my teeth as I slowly lowered myself to the ground.

Seth came to stand by me, showing me everything. Him imprinting on Renesmee and the birth of my son, Demetrius. I in turn showed Sam, stepping closer to push him backwards. Reminding him of my mate and of Seth's imprint. I knew Jacob saw this too.

"Seth imprinted" Edward translated, growls sounded through the others, especially Jacob "Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law... banishment for those who do."

'it's over, Sam. You were willing to break the sacred laws.' I told Sam.

'I am sorry it came to this Alex, I wanted to protect our people.'

'the Cullen's are my people too.'

'yes. I will make sure Jacob doesn't do anything. The elders, will make sure.'

Sam backed up looking between Seth and I before he turned and led the pack away. Paul and Jared looked at us their heads bowing before following. Quil and Embry looked between Jacob, Sam and I before nodding and abandoning Jacob on the ground to follow Sam.

It took less time for Jacob to get up, he growled at me, but I returned it, fiercer and I could see his body lower before taking off after the others. 

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