*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝

Start from the beginning

but damn, what the hell? this is enormous.

there are also a lot of people here.

"most of these people are my old teammates from high school! but there are also some from other high schools. you know bokuto, hinata, kuroo and tsukishima already," kageyama says, and all the guys mentioned wave at the girl.

"you've spoken to yamaguchi, akaashi and kenma over text, and they're there."

kageyama points at the people. she'll see them for christmas as well, so it's nice to see them at kageyama's birthday as well.

"and then you've got some of my old teammates, here's daichi, suga, asahi," he says, pointing at some of the oldest in the apartment, "and nishinoya and tanaka. they're a bit crazy. next to tanaka, you have his wife kiyoko who was our manager in my first year, and then yachi, yamaguchi's girlfriend. she was our manager for the other two years."

y/n nods to all the things kageyama says about his teammates. he also mentions some other people, some twins or something that look like each other but have different hair styles, and some guy with a face mask, and someone that claims to be the best libero in the country. what was his name? komori? she has no idea. apparently face mask and that libero are family.

she doesn't really care.

but what she does care about are the amount of people that are there, and it's a bit overwhelming.

alright, time to sit down.

y/n takes place next to her bestie, bokuto, and is now sat between him and the flirt kuroo.

"hey, how have you been?"

bokuto and y/n start to chat. In the meantime, kageyama gives y/n a drink. some soda mixed with vodka. or whatever it is.

even though she doesn't drink much, maybe today is the day.

it's kageyama's birthday after all.

and so far, all these people look great to her.

shouldn't be that bad, right?

❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅

fast forward that night, let's say it was a mess.

at some point, around ten thirty, nishinoya, tanaka and kiyoko went home. not long later, daichi, sugawara and asahi also went home. tsukishima said he was bored of the night, even though he was smiling and having the time of his life, so also him and yamaguchi left with sakusa and komori, not long after the others. and those damn handsome twins also left.

at some point, only the people that they would spend christmas with, were left.

but y/n was getting tired.

she had been at kageyama's birthday since four pm, so it has been some time. it was now a little before twelve and the girl just wants to get home.

"i'm going home," y/n mumbles, standing up.

kageyama stands up as well and nods, "yeah, that's alright. need me to get you home?"

she shakes her head.

"no, i can find my way back home."

"there's no chance you're walking home alone, y/n. not when you've been drinking, and you need to walk for more than fifteen minutes."

that's when bokuto stands up.

"i'll take her. we live close, so it's no problem."

that's what kageyama was hoping for anyway.

not that he doesn't want to bring the female home, because honestly, he doesn't mind at all. but there is this unspoken rule that everyone made that bokuto and y/n should get closer and closer.

why that is? because it is so clear that they like each other.

just not them.

so now that they walk home together, they can spend time together, and hopefully something happens.

not something weird or bad, no, no, not in that way. just, bokuto taking care of y/n, that's something that needs to happen maybe. maybe so that they admit their feelings.

maybe it happens tonight?

or it doesn't.

who knows.

but what they do know, is that the two are liking each other more and more every day.

and that christmas is soon.

maybe something magical happens on christmas.

they can only hope.

_____ .・。.・゜.・゜・。. _____

" 22.12.2021 "

it's not even december 22 anymore, literally the 30th, but that's alright. you'll get like a few updates during the day because i've finished like most of the chapters leading to christmas. hope you enjoy reading them! sorry for the long wait, i hope it's still worth it <3

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