I laid back and looked up at the ceiling. I started to feel even worse about the way I had treated her. She had been through a lot, and I just kept piling it on her. I still found her generally quite annoying, but I decided that I would be nicer to her -- if only to limit the pain I knew I was causing. I thought back to the charity stream. What she said about her organization had stuck with me, and I wondered what exactly she had meant by "personal experiences", but now I knew. I looked over at her, sleeping much more peacefully than before, albeit curled up into the tiniest little ball I'd ever seen a human curl into. I was kind of amazed she could make herself that small, considering how tall she was, but I also knew that it was probably a defense mechanism that she had been forced to learn long ago. I could've fucking killed her dad right then and there. I wanted to reach over and rub her back as she slept, but I didn't. I also wanted to punch myself in the face for even having that thought. I listened to her rhythmic breathing for another hour before I finally drifted off myself. 

I woke up a few times to her laying on me, clutching my shirt, and burying her head into my neck. I had to admit, she was soft and she smelled so good that I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her and pull her closer. I couldn't bring myself to push her off of me until I noticed the sun come up. I didn't want her to wake up and be embarrassed, or be mad at me for not doing something about it. I managed to avoid waking her up as well, which I was grateful for. She looked peaceful, and I was happy that she managed to get some sleep after her nightmare. After pushing her off I laid there, awake and deep in thought for an hour and a half. I tried to shove the thoughts about kissing her out of my head, but I couldn't. I tried to remember why she annoyed me so much, but I couldn't.


I woke up in the morning, extremely groggy and not entirely aware of my surroundings. I tried to stretch out but felt my fingers come into contact with something warm, and I forced myself to open my eyes. It was him. He was already awake, just staring at me.

"Thank you for staying," I said, and I meant it. I was grateful that he had.

"Not a problem, Squid. You only kicked me three or four times, so not too bad," He laughed, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "I'm going to make coffee, do you want any?"

"Why are you being so nice?" I asked, sitting up too. I pulled the blankets around me to try to keep myself covered. "Please don't make fun of me for this on a stream."

"I already saw it, Syd, it's a little late," he laughed, gesturing to me fumbling with the blankets. "I just feel bad. I was super mean to you, and you were really scared last night, so I figured I could at least be nice to you today. And why would I make fun of you for having a shit dad and nightmares? I'm not that mean."

"Just don't poison it, please. Just put a little half and half in it -- no sugar, I'll be down once I get dressed," I said. I chose to ignore the last part, and I kind of felt bad for saying it in the first place. He was a dick, but that would be a little bit too far, even for him. "Is anyone else up?"

"I heard some movement downstairs earlier, but I don't know if they're still down there. I don't even know what time it is." He reached for the door, opening it and stepping outside. "See you in a few."

As soon as I heard him head down the stairs, I stood up and pulled on some leggings. "Did we just see what we think we just saw?" Mina said in a sing-song voice, standing next to Catherine in the doorway.

"And hear what we think we heard?" Catherine chimed in, doing a little dance.

"Guys, he came in because I had that nightmare about my dad. I was screaming and it woke him up," I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I asked him to stay in here because I figured you two might be a little busy getting your shit rocked and I couldn't be alone."

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