"Nick, please," I begged, almost whining. "I seriously can not do it."

"Whatever, fine. George is not going to be very happy with you," he huffed, "but I'm sure Sydney won't mind."

We sat on the couch for hours in silence after that, waiting for it to be time for Nick to leave. I heard the garage door open and close, and I thought I was going to throw up. I didn't like this girl, but now I'm being forced to let her stay in my house, and I have to walk on eggshells around her the whole time so that I don't piss her off. I started to get more irritated than nervous, which was a welcome shift for me, but this didn't last long once Nick told me he had made it to the airport.

Group Message: Clay, Nick, & George

the boys


i'm here, i have george

he has so much fucking stuff dude you wouldn't believe it

i see the girls

guys mina is so fucking hot i don't even know what to do

sydney is fine irl... good fucking luck man, you're really going to need it


i can not meet the girls all at once i seriously can not handle it

can you make up some bullshit to make me sound like i'm trying to be nice to syd and i want to meet her first and alone or some shit

please, i know it's weird please don't make fun of me... i can already hear the jokes

also, who cares if she's hot? it's irrelevant


dude you really need to chill the fuck out

you're being really weird


i'll make something up, i got you

it'll be fine, ur sexy

but yeah you need to relax <3

if i can handle meeting cat you can handle syd


we're on the way back, don't worry you're meeting syd first

she's going to be irritated when we tell her so get ready


After what felt like both hours but also mere seconds, the plane landed and we were stood at baggage claim, retrieving our bags. We waited for a few moments, Mina and Catherine chatting and trying to involve me (mostly so that I wouldn't try to break free and run to the ticketing desk to get on the next flight back home) before Nick came up.

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