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She flips the light switch on and begins to gather some normal and work clothes shoving them into her case along with her Glock, phone charger (and phone) and a book. She cries throughout from the constant pain everytime she moves.

She puts some sweat pants and a sweater on because she knows she'll be cold. With that she storms out of the apartment.

She gets into the car and starts driving to the nearest hospital. It wasn't too far, just the normal general hospital. She parks near the front and walks into the emergency ward. She hopes they can bandage her up, give her pain killers and let her go free.

When she steps in the lady at the desk eyes almost pop put of her head. She makes her way over to the desk.

"Oh my, what happened to you honey?" She asks frantically.

Should she tell? Her head pounds she doesnt want to have to deal with police. "I- I was out coming back from a friends. Some guy jumped me in an alley.." The lie rolls off her tongue perfectly. The nurse nods.

"As you can tell we're not busy, come with me." She says, leading Lat to one of the back rooms.

"A doctor will be with you shortly." She rubs kat's arm comfortingly, only making her wince. She nods and forces a smile. The secretary leaves and Kat starts crying once again. She is almost overehelmed with pain right now.

The door opened slowly and in walks a normal, everyday doctor.

"Oh my!" She says, examining Kat's body. "What happened to you?" She asks.

"I was walking from a friends, guess he saw I had my purse with me. He starting beating me and I mean I tried putting up a fight. He towered over me immensely and oh, boy.. I just gave up and he left me alone after when I was uh, still on the floor for a couple minutes." She explains, very amused with her lying skills for the night. Plus the fact she is shaken up adds a bonus.

"Oh honey, did you see his face?" She asks. Kat shakes her head no.

"Okay well, I'll just be cleaning and bandaging your wounds. I'm Dr. Tims by the way." She says.

"I'm Katrina Parker." She says slowly.

Throughout the next half an hour, Dr. Tims examines Katrina, seeing if anything is seriously injured, but she comes out empty handed other than bruises, cuts and bruises ribs. She bandaged up the cuts left on her arms, face and whatnot.

And since she can't do much for bruising, she gives her some pain killers. She looks at Kat's bruises eye. The entire eye lid is purple and grey, along with a lot on the bottom. And to top it off, its practically shut. She manages to open it slightly, but it stings like hell.

"You'll start to not be sore for the next couple days if you take this meds once in the morning and at night. Or you can whenever you are in pain. I suggest taking some time off work to rest, where do you work?" She then asks.

"The Behavioral Analysis Unit in the FBI." She says.

"Oh, sounds intense." She smiles. "Nice to meet you, but not under these cupircumstances. If the pain isn't completely gone in a couple weeks I suggest you come back in. Take care now." She says kindly before leaving the room.

Kat clutches the pill bottle in her hands and slowly gets off the examining table. She make her way out of the emergency room into her car. When she she gets in, she checks the time- roughly 5:30 a.m. She has to work in a couple of hours.

So instead of worrying where to go or sleep, she locks all the doors, shuts off the car lights and reclines her seat. She sets an alarm for 7:00 before laying down and drifting off to sleep. God tonight has really fucked her over.


She sleeps a dreamless sleeps before being woken up by her phone alarm. She groans and shuts it off before sitting up. She doesn't bother stretching- her body hurts enough. She slightly opens up her bruised eye, glad it could even open. Sure it stung but she didn't care.

Katrina grabs her case and walks back into the hospital heading straight for the bathroom. She strips of her sweater and sweat pants and pulls on some black dress pants, a white tank top along with a grey cardigan. This is her life now? Changing in an emergency room bathroom.

She glances at the mirror and boy does she look rough. She tries to flatten down her hair and thats when she notices she has no make up to cover anything up.

"Fuck." She mutters under her breath. Now what? She's got no money to go out and get some.

She just faces the fact she will go into work and tell the team what has been going on in her life. They have the right to know shes been getting abused for the past few months now.

She leaves the bathroom and gets back in her car. Time for work. She groans before giving the engine life and driving down to work. She is completely nervous, scared for what is to come for her in the near future.

She starts breathing hard and fast, her heart beating again her chest almost so much it hurts. Her body shakes and convulses, but she still manages to drive.

'Maybe another car will hit her and it'll stop all this ongoing pain?' She thinks but slowly stops herself. Oh god, her meds. She completely forgot. She was in too much of a panic earlier to grab them on her way out.

Thats when she finds herself infront of the building. She takes a couple minutes to calm herself down and when shes done crying she she breathes deeply. She grabs her briefcase from the passenger seat and starts making her way to the front door. She's nervous of what the team will think of her and why she didn't try fighting back. But like she said earlier, Tom was her weak spot, he made her vulnerable.

She pushes the heavy door open, she was almost too weak. She decides to not say anything first, just let them come to her. She walks in and keeps her head hung low. She keeps going until she walks into someone.

She glances up to see JJ.

"Oh, sorry Kat- Katrina? Oh my god what happened?" She asks, examining her beaten and bruised face. This question catches the others' attention. They all watch but do not approach.

"I- I want to not have to repeat myself.. so-" Hotch enters his office, not looking at anybody in particular.

"Conference room. We have a new case." He says. He didn't notice Katrina's state yet.

"I"ll tell you all on the plane, assuming we have to go somewhere." She says in a low voice. JJ frowns and rubs her shoulder as they all make their way to the conference room.

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