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It was december 28th, meaning the BAU had offically had to go back to work. They would have had to earlier if they got a case but the last few days have been nice and quiet in a long time.

The night before Katrina had gone to bed alone and now woke up alone as well. Where the hell could Tom be? She shut off her blaring alarm clock and hoped out of bed.

She searches through her closet and pulls her outfit out for the day. Black dress pants, black heels and a quarter sleeve denim button up top. She makes her way to the bathroom. She takes a relaxing, but still fast shower.

She hoped out and blow dried her hair and pulled on her clothes. She made sure her hair looked alright before taking her contacts out of my cabinet, only to find they weren't ctually there.

She cusses before pulling out her glasses, sliding them on. She looks like such a dork- and not the cute kind (in her opinion).

She angrily applied some light make up like always. She never put more than mascara and some foundation. She didn't have to look nice for her job anyways, but there wasnt a day where she didn't put on some make up.

She exited the bathroom and grabbed her breifcase getting ready to leave. She might just grab a coffee on her way to work, she didnt want to waste time eating and taking her time to actually make food, she wasnted to be early.

Just then Tom stumbles into the apartment almost falling over in the process.

He's not drunk is he? It's half 6 in the morning. "Tom?" She ask hesitantly.

"Why are you still here?" His words slur terribly as they leave his lips.

"I was just heading off to work now. Are you drunk?" She asks clearly confused.

"None of your fucking business!" He shouts. He approaches her and he reeks of cigarettes and alcohol, and possibly weed.

"For fucks sakes!" She shouts, completly fed up with his attitude. "You have a job to do you know! You have responsibilities in life, you can not just sit around on your ass all day, I can't pay these bills alone!" She snaps at him, making his give her an odd look.

"I find it odd you think you can speak to me like that.." He trails in a menacing tone, getting closer to her. He backs her into a wall and is again gripping her arm.

"Let go of me that hurts.." She practically pleads, glancing at his hand on her arm, tightening his grip as the time goes by.

"No." He growls. "Don't speak to me like that and get out of my damn business." He seeths through gritted teeth. Pathetic really. He's drunk at this hour? He was probably out drinking the entire night. Or drank later. With as much force as he can deliver, he throws her onto the hardwood floor.

She stays quiet on the floor. She should have just kept her mouth shut and left for work. Why did she have such a big mouth? To be fair she had not know this would be his reaction.

Her head is sore from hitting the ground. She has no idea how to deal with him. Yeah she can deal with a criminal but Tom is different. She thought she knew Tom, but he seemed to have lied for years about who he really is. Kat stays still like how animals play dead when they're being attacked.

She finally hears Tom stalk off into the opposite direction. She collects her briefcase and glasses and rushes out of the house. She makes sure her keys are in her pocket, which they were.

She gets into her car and locks the door and just takes a couple moment to actually process what happened. She keeps repeating the events in her mind, making her start to panic. Her heart is racing, her breathe is caught in her throat, she starts sweating and feeling hot and claustrophobic.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat