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Reid sat in a room across from Mr. and Mrs. Millar- Serena's parents. Mrs. Millar was in hysterics, crying uncontrollably. He felt very sympathetic at this moment- your child suddenly ripped from your grasp in a matter of seconds.

"W-we were already.. interviewed, why do we have to again?" Mrs. Millar trips over her words, struggling through crying. Really a sad sight to see.

"Well Mrs. Millar, I'm not an officer- I'm actually from the BAU- behavioral analyst unit. At the BAU we determine the motive of the killer, we profile them. I'm trying to determine the killer, I have to know a couple things about Serena.. if that's alright?" Reid asks but really, they dont have that much of a choice. They probably heard all the questions like bad ex boyfriends, relationship problems, abuse and a number of 'i'm sorry for your loss.'

"Sure.." Mr. Millar says.

"Do you know anything about Ross and Serena's relationship?" Reid starts off.

"Everything was good. They usually didn't have issues, or none that I knew about at least." Mrs. Millar replied, then realization hits her. "Y-you think.. He did this?" She chokes out.

"It's a possibility. Earlier today my partner and I spoke to him this morning, really hard to tell.." Reid replies which only makes her cry harder.

"As we know, they hadn't fought much." Mr. Millar explains, rubbing his wife's shoulder.

Mean while in the room next over, Katrina was interviewing Serena's past roommate, and best friend.

"Did Serena and Ross fight?" She asks first, glancing at the files of the case once again.

"They think he did this?!" She shouts, completely shocked. Her voice was loud and squeaky and had already began to give Katrina a headache.

"It's a possibility, but that doesn't really answer my question.." The girl has chestnut colored hair and make up all over her face and seemed just.. Obnoxious.

"Yeah, they fought. She would always comes to my place, she says he was.. Crazy really. He had these sort of mood swings where one minute he would be yelling at her, throwing things. Then the next all calm, saying 'I'm sorry, I love you'." She explains, her tone subsiding.

"Was he ever physically abusive towards her?"

"No, she never mentioned that.. Well af-" She stops mid sentence.

"Well.. What?" Katrina asked, becoming curious.

"I'm not supposed to tell.." She mumbles like a lying 5 year old.

"And who told you that?"


"Well shes not here is she?" Kat fires back, desperate for answers. But the girl keeps quiet. Katrina mentally face palms. The girl lost her friend and she says that? Totally unessesary.

"Look I'm sorry.. Just- Miss, I need to know everything to find Serena's killer. It's crucial you tell me everything." Kat practically pleads. "This guy had killed her, then another girl and who knows might be off killing another young woman- we need to stop him , I need any type of information regarding Serena."

"... A couple months ago Serena came to me in a mess. She said she had to admit something.." The girls starts, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Basically, she admitted to cheating on Ross, with some guy from her work. She told me they had done stuff more than once.. I said she needed to end things with Ross or stop with her co-worker. She ended up telling Ross, and things started happening form there.." She says in a soft tone- different from her loud, obnoxious one from moments before.

"What started happening after that?" Kat inquires.

"He got loud, and violent. He broke things and started to hit her.." She says in a disgusted tone. "Its just.. Horrible."

She cheated? Ross had stabbed her chest and genital area, his motive to kill was her cheating in him. Why though? Usually someone gets cheated on, dumps their partner and moves on.

Maybe he had a disorder and something made him snap. Or as a child, maybe his parents had had issue, maybe his mother or father cheated, or a girl had done it to him before..

"Thats was very useful. Uh, you can go home now. Thank you so much for your time.." Kat jumps from her chair and sprints out of the room.

She goes to the room where Reid is talking to the parents and knocks on the door. After a couple moments he answers.

"Parker.. I'm sorta in questioning..." He says awkwardly but giving her a small smile.

"No! You don't have to anymore, I got something!" She shouts to him, pulling the sleeve of this shirt.

"How good?" He wonders.

"His trigger his motive for killing!" She says all happy.

And with that Reid quickly finishes up with Serena's parents and starts walking with Katrina, desperate to hear what she got.

"So.. What is it?"

"Well, Serena's friend had said a couple months back, Serena cheated on Ross. That has to be it! Maybe thats triggered something in him.. I mean, what else ? He seemed perfect before that- or maybe his mom had had an affair with another man. That could easily ruin a family and marraige- troubled childhood, you know-"

"Okay okay! Calm down and call Hotch." He laughs lightly as she takes her phone from her pocket and dials Hotch's number.

"Agent Aaron Hotc-"

"Hotch! I got something-"

"Parker? What is it?" He asks.

"A couple months back Serena cheated on Ross- I have a big feeling thats what drove him to kill. Then he killed the other girl because yes she obviously looked like her, but she could also have a past of cheating or having an affair. He wants to eliminate that- it probably caused him so much damage." Kat practically shouts into the phone. Spencer hails over a taxi and him and Katrina get in quick.

"Okay- I'll call Garcia to find out where he is or something about his family. Nice work Parker."

"Thanks sir." With that the line goes dead.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asks, bringing Reid and Kat from their excitment. He looks impatient, bag under his eyes, just wanting the day to be done. Kat immediately feels bad.

"Oh sorry- Er, last crime scene? Let Morgan and Rossi know" Reid asks Katrina who nods quickly.

"Uh, 56 Marks Street please." Reid asks the driver, who simply nods in reply.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Where stories live. Discover now