Some past comes out

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It had been couple weeks after the BAU had saved Claire Sims. She was home safe with her boyfriend. That case had been a roller coaster.

There hasn't been a case like that since then, just slow days, checking out a couple home invasions here and there. And today had been a slow day in general, just like the last few.

JJ and Morgan were in Garcia's office discussing several cases from before, they had no other work to do. The past few days have sucked really- It's been raining. Rossi was having lunch with a friend while Hotch was out with his son for lunch and lastly Prentiss had been home sick that day. Bad flu or something.

So as they had no other work to do Katrina sat with Spencer on a desk outside of the cubicles. It was where they looks over smaller files if the conference room was occupied or they just sat there to have talks.

Reid had a chess board before him. He was looking at some strategies with his lunch next to his left. He had never lost a game of chess in his life, and Katrina had been contemplating asking him to play a match- she hadn't known how good he was. Then on a chair on the right side of the table sat Katrina slowly eating her soup from her thermos. Last night her and Tom had made home made soup so she took the remainder into work today.

They made light conversation. "So Dr. Reid, as your co worker and new friend" She says the last part hopefully. "Tell me a bit about yourself." Katrina smiles at him when he draws his attention away from his chess board.

"Please Katrina- call me Spencer. You know unless we're on  case.. and sure." He moves the board away and takes his lunch in front of him.

"So my name is Spencer Reid- I was born October 9th to Diane and William Reid. Uh, my dad left the picture when I turned 10. My mom had come down with paranoid schizophrenia so when I had turned 18 I admit her in a mental institution. I graduated high school at the young age if 12 years old, i got teased around for it.." He explains. He looks around the room to think of other things.

".. I have an IQ of 187, i can read 20,000 words per minute and i have an eidetic memory. Its a curse and a blessing at the same time. I got a PhD in Chemistry, Mathematics and Engineering. Then i have a BA in Psychology, philosophy and sociology. I enjoy reading on my free time, and yeah. That's it really." He explains which totally takes Kat by surprise. This kid is smart- a genius really.

'It's a curse and a blessing at the same time.' Katrina thinks. This kid has been through stuff.

"Oh wow man, you're really smart. And i'm sorry to hear about your family, you don't deserve that." Kat says sympathetically. He gives her a weak smile.

"Thanks, but sorry isn't necessary- you didn't put that one me." He gives her a adorable smile. "Tell me about yourself, Katrina." He says, turning his attention away from his food to her. Katrina she can tell he is forcing a smile, she really shouldn't have said anything.

"I was born December 6th in Europe actually- my parents were there for their job and had me there. Soon after we moved back here to America." Kat avoids the topic of childhood.

"My childhood was okay." That's all she says on the topic. "I had some friends but not many- people thought i was weird because of my natural bright hair and freckles, it was weird. I had A's and B's, never got below that. I have a PhD is Psychology and Mathematics. After university I had training to join the FBI. I had a couple of rough points through my t-" Katrina stops when an alarm goes off on her phone. 'Speak of the devil' she thinks.

Lately Katrina has been forgetting to take her meds. From her rough childhood she decided not to bring up, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Since then they have died down- but she still has to take her medication for it or else it could go out of control again. If she forgets she gets panic attacks are starts having bad thoughts about suicide.

"Whats the alarm for? If you don't mind my asking." Spencer wonders, glancing at her phone. She digs into her blazer pocket and pulls out the tiny pill bottle.

"I forget to take my pills for depression and anxiety. I have a rough time through my teen years then through university. I got diagnosed and have been taking these ever since." Katrina replies.

"What happens when you forget to take them?" Spencer asks, his tone serious and concerned now.

"I get panic attacks from the anxiety and suicidal thoughts from the depression- I had come close to doing it so many times but eventually taught myself out of it and fell asleep." Spencer takes in the information before looking down at Kat's wrists.

Usually if somebody who had depression or anxiety resorted to self harm. And there he sees thin white lines that are barely there anymore, but still there if you're looking for them. She's pale so they're still sort of noticeable. She notices his stares and moves her arms, covering them up again.

"I really don't want you to be cautious around me or think of me differently. They're just mild cases now, they're just some issues I have with myself."

"Don't worry about that Kat, basically everybody here working in the BAU has had emotion/physical damage done, that's why they're working here. I'm really proud of you that you made it through those tough times." Spencer says letting a small smile tug at his lips.

"Thank you Spence.. Can i call you that? And that means a lot." Kat replies.

"Go for it. And anytime, I'm always here to talk to.. I mean, we all are here." He says.

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