Night terrors

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When the BAU arrived at their hotel sort of late that night, still no idea who their possible unsub was, they were thinking it could be a stranger now. JJ and Prentiss had shared a room, even offering for Kat to sleep in their room with an extra bed but she said it was fine and got her own with 2 singles.

The boys had all gotten their own room. After they all got out of the elevator they big their goodbyes and all went to their rooms with their room keys and briefcases.

It was roughly 10:30. Katrina turned on the TV, slightly uneasy being in a hotel room alone. She hadn't been to hotels often, just it was weird to her.

She pulled on some shorts and a tank top since it was extremely hot and went off and brush her teeth. She wonders how long this case will go on for. She finished up in the bathroom and goes and lays in bed, watching some random show about cars- top hear or something before turning it off and drifting to sleep.


Running throughout the halls that do not seem to end. Sobbing and confused, heavy breathes leaving her lips.

She touches the bruise left on her face and arm oh god why her? The abuse had gone on long enough and it needs to end.

"Stop please!" She pleads, running through of what seems like a maze, but in reality is just her own house.

The young girl finally finds a room and hops inside, slamming the door which oddly makes no sound after.

"Where are you?" She hears from the other side of the door. Odd enough she tries as hard as she can to block out the noise.

'Don't answer don't answer' she repeats to herself.

"Come out come out Katrina!" The voice booms, banging on the door. God dammit they knew where she was hiding.

The banging persists until the door flies open. The intoxicated woman before her- another wise known as her mother stands there with red rimmed eyes and a leather belt at hand. She fathers belt most likely.

"How many god forsaken times have i told you to not slam the god damn door?!" The woman wails.

The little girl can no longer find words, as if her mouth was shut like a zipper.

The sound of the leather smacking against her cheek is what brought her from her horrific nightmare.


Katrina shot up her face damp with tears and her bed with sweat. Her breathe was hard and labored and she had a tough time trying to control it.

Katrina had been getting night terrors since her terrible childhood. They are on and off, and since shes sleeping in an unfamiliar place, they decided to crawl back for a little only making her wanting to leave even more. God damn when will this case end?!

She glances over at the standard alarm clock. 2:03 a.m. Perfect.

The room was quiet and dark making Kat uneasy. She had always feared the dark. She's quick to scramble over to the nightstand between the two bed and turn on the lamp, illuminating the room.

Well she can't sleep now.. Not alone at least. Tears freely flow from her eyes down her cheeks landing on the bedspread. What is she supposed to do? Usually if she has night terrors, she has Tom right next to her.

She grabs her phone next to the bed where its plugged into the charger and removes it. She scrolls through her contact and clicks on JJ.

The phone rings and rings for a while before going to voicemail.

"Dammit." She grumbles, trying Prentiss. It rings and rings and still no answer.

She could try Morgan but then again they aren't too close. Hotchner might get furious, probably think she can't handle a simple nightmare. Rossi, he's older and needs sleep.

Reid possibly? Out of the whole team including the girls Katrina is closest with Reid. She hesitantly presses on his contact.

It rings 3 times and just when Katrina is about to give up, he answers.

"Katrina?" She asks his a groggy voice.

"R-Reid?" She stammer.

"Kat what's wrong?" He asks, his voice slightly alert now.

"Can you please come to my room? I'll explain when you get here." She tries through her crying.

"I'll be right over, you were room 56 right?" He asks. She can hear some shuffling around from the other side of the line.

"Yeah. Thank you." She says, hanging up. She sits on her bed, hugging her knees to her chest. She hadn't gotten nightmares in a while and then they decide to show up while she sleeps in an empty hotel room on a case to catch someone ?

The light knock on the door startles her momentarily before she quickly remembers its Spencer. She jumps out of bed and approaches the door.

She takes a quick look through the peep hole making sure it's Spencer before opening up the door.

He stands there before her in blue striped pajama pants and a plain white t shirt. She's quick to grab his wrist and yank him inside.

"What's this all about? Are you alright?" He asked in a panicked voice. He places his hand on her arm. She's shaking and crying like crazy.

"It sort of s-seems s-stupid now.." She mumbles. He isn't sure what to do, usually he's near an unsub who's crying not his co worker. He has never dealt with a pretty girl crying in a hotel room at 2 a.m.

Her tear filled eyes met his, making him feel way more bad than he felt before. Her bottom lip quivered as she shook from fear. Does he hug her? Ask her questions.

"Here.. come sit." She mutters, motioning over to her bed. She stayed quiet but he could hear her quiet sobs from beside him.

Just when he's about to ask her what's wrong she reaches over and wraps her arms around him, sort of awkward sitting/hugging. And oh boy how uncomfortable is it.

Not that its awkward that they're hugging, Spencer really doesn't mind at all. Just the awkward sitting position they're sitting in.

Katrina notices and doesn't think before climbing over and resting herself on Spencer's lap, still embracing him close. He wraps his arms around her more tighter and comforting, rubbing gentle circles on her back.

"Tell me when you're ready." He says as she nuzzles her head deeper into the crook of his neck.

She takes a couple minutes to pause, before opening up her mouth. "Since i was younger, I experienced nightmares. They go away for short periods of time but come back. Usually when I sleep somewhere other than my bed. I'm sorry this seems really stupid now.." She trails, her bottom lip quivering as she spoke. Her words were really shaky.

"I get them too sometimes. Nothing to be ashamed about." He says, rubbing her back.

"I never know what to do when I get them." She whispers, pulling away from his neck her face now in front of his.

"Would you like me to stay here for the remainder of the night? I could take the other bed?" He suggests, moving a few strands of hair from her face.

"Are you sure? I'll get over it.." She trails.

"Its fine don't worry." He assures her, continuing to rub he back. She controls her breathing slightly and nods. She slowly gets off Spencer's lap and stands there, waiting for him to as well.

When he stands she wraps her arms around his torso and digs her face into his chest.

"Thank you so much for listening Spence. It means the world to me really." She says, getting sleepy once again.

"I'll always be here." He answers, stroking her sort of messy hair.

They both pull away simultaneously before they each get into their separate beds. "Goodnight Katrina." Spencer says, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Goodnight Spencer." She replies drowsily before drifting off to sleep.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora