Black and blue

187 4 7

TW: Domestic abuse, body shaming


It was around 4 a.m on February 16th when Katrina fell asleep on the couch waiting for Tom to return from 'work' for the hundredth time these past couple months. She had no idea what he was up to anymore, and honestly, she couldn't care less. He could be out drinking or getting high off his ass with friends, or even with other girls. Disgusting. She hoped to God not the last one.

But she woke up when she heard a very loud door slam. She shot up, her glasses falling from her face onto the hardwood. She picked them up and set them on the coffee table, looking around the dim lit room, almost as blind as a bat. It didn't help that it was relatively dark.

"Tom?" She calls out, her tone full of fear. She hopes its him, sober or not. She worries someone broke in. The light flicks on and he stumbles into the room like the dumb drunk he is. She would rather him drunk than it be a stranger. Or does she?

"Go to bed." Her voice trembles. She takes a moment before standing up. His silhouette is sort of blurry because of her lack of glasses, but she can tell its him.

"Don't tell me what to do! God what are you wearing?!" He yells, pointing to her outfit. She was wearing some shorts with random cartoons and a white tank top. What was wrong? They we're pajama's... 'He's a dumb drunk, just ignore him' her mind tells her.

"Pajamas?" She says in a duh tone. He walks further towards her.

"Doesn't look right. You've been gaining weight eh? Maybe you should stop-" She cuts him off. Thats where Tom is completely and utterly wrong. Katrina hasn't eaten- shes losing weight. All he wants to do is being her down. Because of him she stopped eating and became insanely insecure.

"I'm done with you!" She shouts, her voice hoarse from just waking up. "Get the hell out of my life! I -I hate you!" She yells straight to his face. She doesn't know how to react. Plus she just woke up.

"Still after months you still think you can talk to me like that..." He smiles menacingly. He grabs her arms, towering over her like a damn building. Screw their height difference. She shakes under his look and touch. What was he planning to do now?

"You don't mean that baby you love me so much." He says referring to what she said earlier. His grip on her arms tightening by the second.

"No! No I don't! You're abusing me, using me as your fucking punching bag, putting me down every damn day I'm sick of it, I'm sick of you!" She finishes her little rant. And not even 4 seconds later she is being thrown onto the floor. Her body hits the ground with a huge thump.

The weird thing is, if this was an unsub beating Katrina, she would be able to shout and fight back, but this is Tom. A guy she thought she knew, a guy she dated for 3 (give or take) years. Tom was Katrina's weak spot thought he wasn't an unsub, he was her supposed boyfriend. She watched him turn into a reckless monster these last months before her very own eyes.

This was her breaking point. She heaved herself off the ground and just took a clean swing at his jaw. To be fair he was too intoxicated- the blow didn't even phase him. He shook his head and laughed quietly under his breath.

He places a hand on her shoulder to hold her in place and clocks her with full force around the cheekbone and eye socket area. She makes no sound, no scream nor squeal. She almost falls over but picks herself back up.

She tries to swing at him but he dodges, even in his drunk state and grabs her, throwing her against the wall.

He slapped and hit her, all over her body surely leaving bruises. Her face, arms, torso legs everything. It was like a one sided fist fight- like said before Katrina was his punching bag to take out anger.

"You're just an unattractive, fat bitch! You think you know me but you don't! Get off my ass about everything and mine your own business!" His speech is slurred as he shouts this. Katrina flinches, blow after blow hitting her helpless body. Her body aches by now. She hadn't even said anything to set him off really. She is so temped to run to her breifcase, unlock it and grab her Glock. But she could never ever bring herself go do that.

His words cut her life knives, hurting her in every way. Or was it the useless beating? Domestic abuse is never the answer, so why couldn't it be the case now? She let Tom do this to her for months now she was getting tired of it.

She curled into a ball as he still beats her senseless. She knows by this she can't stop him. She doesn't bother moving or shouting, she would obviously wake the neighbours. Tom is being loud enough as it is.

A couple times his foot collided with her ribs- she knows they're bruised by now. Her head pounds, she feels blood dripping from cuts all over her body. She cries helplessly. She can't believe this is actually happening.

She wishes this was just another dumb nightmare, but no this is as real as it gets.

"I'm fucking done with you, we're over!" He spits before disappearing down the hallway. She lays on the hardwood floor in shock, she feels numb. She's just trying to process what just occured.

She waits a couple moments before standing. What does she do now? She can hardly walk. She winces with every step. Does she call anybody? Maybe go to the emergency room?

Yeah, that one is good.

She starts walking to the bedroom and Tom passes her, bumping her shoulder hard. She almost falls but keeps walking trying to hold her head up high.


Part 2 coming soon..

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