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The parents of the victims had arrived within 20 minutes. All the parents looked rough. Their eyes are puffy and red, under their eyes are grey purple bags. They probably haven't slept much.

JJ goes into one of the questioning rooms to speak to to Lila's parents. Prentiss speaks to John's parents. They're still in terrible shape as their children had just been kidnapped and killed last week. The mom's can't stop crying, and the fathers are comforting them.

"Do you know if either Lila or John even have any rivals. Anyone unstable in their life?" JJ asks Lila's parents.

"No never. People had always told me how kind the two were. They had no enemies, at least that we knew of..." The father says, hugging his crying wife close to his chest.

"So did John and Lila attend that bar often?" Prentiss asks John's parents in the room next over.

They nod their heads. "Loved that place. They went constantly there. They would go out with friends there, or to watch football or soccer on the television. They liked the people, liked the food." They replied. Prentiss nods. Why would they get chosen to get murdered?

Hotch spoke to Colin's mom and step dad. Colin's biological dad and mom divorced because they had lost feeling, he moved sway and married some other woman. Hotch just spoke to them in his office, quick and simple.

They were still shaken up from the ordeal. Their son had only been murdered for what, two days?

"I need you two to think long and hard about any possible enemies Susan or Colin may have had. Someone who got off the wrong foot, someone who they didn't get a long with, completion maybe." Hotch asks, packing around his office slowly.

"No never. Nobody hated them or ever complained. They are two very well kept kids." His mother cries.

"I agree. It was probably just out of the blue. Nobody hated them. They were a young, happy couple. Brightened our days for sure." The step dad tells, holding his wifes' hand.

And finally, Rossi spoke to susan's parents who didn't have much to say. They were both crying, wondering why the unsub decided to take Susan's and Colin's life. They were newlyweds, had their entire lives together they even talked about having kids. Now that all went down the drain because some sexual sadist wanted to go on a small killing spree.

The parents had all left feeling hopeless as they still had no particular profile of the unsub. The Agents off felt defeated. Why was this so difficult?

Roughly half an hour later Morgan, Reid and Parker were back at the police atation, stepping into the two front doors. The minute they stepped in, Morgan got a call from Garcia. The 3 mentally prayed she had some good answers

"Hey baby girl tell me something good." He asks desperatly.

"Sorry my lovely chocolate thunder. All the men's names were fine, not a flaw in any of their pasts." She says sadly.

"Nothing? No juvenile charges? No assaults or anything?" Morgan groans as they walk into the conference room. "Any towards them in the past?"

"No, perfectly flawless and clean. Spic and span" She sighs.

"Could you possibly be able to look further? Just in case?" He pleads. Morgan is determined, he really doubts it would just be your normal, everyday stranger walking down the street.

But then again, they are the least suspicious.

"I'll try. You're lucky I love you." She mutters, trying to tease him. He laughs before replying.

"You too baby girl, thank you." With that she hangs up. The 3 agents finally enter the conference room, annoyed as ever.

"Find anything?" Hotch asks them, looking annoyed with his lack of information finding.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Where stories live. Discover now