Not so Merry Christmas

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Katrina spent the rest of her night watching her favorite movies and crying over the fact she is going to wake up tomorrow, completely alone. She tried texting Tom back he was the one ignoring her now.

She ended up falling asleep on their tiny, dingy couch once again at around 2 am after drinking some alcohol to try and forget Tom.

She woke up at around but felt terrible from the alcohol, so she took some medicine, drank some water and fell asleep once again. She didn't care if it was Christmas anymore. She was sad and lonely.

Several hours later she woke up to someone shaking her shoulder gently. She opened her eyes to see Tom kneeling in front of her.

"Tom? I didn't know you would be back already .. What time is it?" She asks, frantically sitting up.

"4:25.. Merry Christmas to you too.." He says sadly, looking at the ground.

"Spencer is gonna be here any minute!" She yells, standing up from the couch down the hall completely ignoring Tom.

"Spencer ?!" He shouts, following her down the hall. "Why the hell will Spencer be here any minute?!" He shouts.

She quickly picks an outfit out of her drawer. "Dinner at Rossi's place. Didn't think you would be home." She shrugs. "Plus you had the car, I had noway of getting there." She adds.

"Cancel it I'm here now." He says more as a demand rather than a request.

"No. I'd rather be with them at the moment, I'm still mad at you." She stands her ground, deciding on wearing a black skirt and a grey long sleeve shirt to tuck into it. She pushes past him to go shower quickly. She hopes she has enough time.

She ignores him as he calls for her but she just keeps walking. She enters the bathroom and takes a really quick shower. She washes her hair , body shaved her legs and underarms in under 10 minutes. She hops out, dries her hair and body before putting on her clothes she picked out. Then she applies a little bit of make up, but not too much before exiting the bathroom.

As she's making her way to the door, Tom takes her arm in his grasp and spins her around so she's facing him.

"You left me all alone the past couple of days without an apology then you expect me to crawl back to you like nothing happen." She spits.

"Why the hell do you think you can speak to me like that?" His tone is angry and confused.

"Oh I don't know, because you don't control me?" She says like its obvious, which it is.

"No. You're my girlfriend, you agree with everything I fucking say." He says, pushing her against the wall with some force.

"Let me go." She says, trying to get out of his grip. Hell he was a 6'4 building with feet, she couldn't get out if she tried her hardest.

"Baby.." He purrs her pet name she secretly hates. "Please don't be like that.." He dips his head down and start leaving sloppy kisses in her neck, before he eventually starts biting and sucking on the spot.

Yeah it feels good, but not when he forces himself onto her or taken the fact she didn't agree to this. "Don't do that." Her tone is shaky. She feels incredibly uncomfortable.

"Come on you love it.." He trails. His hands grip her hips tightly so she cant really leave.

"If you don't get off me I-" before Katrina finishes her sentence, Tom holds her against the wall with a lot of force his grip is to tight her arm begins to get sore. He doesn't hesitate to knee her in the thigh before slapping her across the cheek.

She doesn't have much time to react, because there is a loud knock at the door. Leave it to Spencer to save the day. For a second Tom loses his grip on her , the knock on the door startling him. Kat feels her phone in her pocket and pushes him off and sprint down the hall to the door. She steps into her boots, grabs the bag of presents for the team, pulls on her jacket and rushes out of the apartment in a panic.

"Kat?" Spencer asks as she runs into him. She slams the door and tries to calm down a bit.

"Come on." She grabs his wrist and runs into the elevator. She clicks the ground floor and lets out a loud sigh of relief.

"Katrina what happened?" He asks, facing her. She shakes her head, biting in her quivering bottom lip. She can't cry in front of Reid, she can't show weakness.

She bites back her tears, breathed deeply and turns to him. He's reading her like an open book. "Katrina what happened in there?" He asks seriously. He slowly and gently rests his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine R- Spencer." Her strong tone comes back. "I honestly just thought we were running late." She forces a smile. She needs comfort right now.

"Don't lie to me." He says sternly. The elevator reaches the bottom floor and she walks out.

"Katrina stop!" He says loudly. For gods sakes all she wanted to do was leave the building, forget what happened and go to Rossi's.

She turns around to face him, he is still trying to figure her out. She slowly walks over and snakes her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest.

"Spencer I'm fine." She assures.

"If you were fine you would be able to prove it to me by words rather than touch." He says, reluctantly hugging her back. He strokes her hair softly. She pulls away and without a word grabs his wrist, pulling him out of the building to his car.

They get in the car and Spencer drops the subject, understanding she doesn't wanna talk about it. They listened to the radio and made light conversation and he was dying not to ask what had happened moments before.

They finally arrived at Rossi's house and made their way to his front door. Kat rang the doorbell, holding a bag full of presents. Moments later, Garcia opens the door wearing a really nice red dress. Sort of making her look like Mrs. Clause.

"Merry Christmas kids!" She says, embracing us both.

"Kids?" Katrina asks as the two step inside.

"Yeh, you two are the youngest workers in the BAU!" She says. We takes off our coats and boots.

"Oh my god! You look adorable!" SHe gushes, looking at Kat's outfit. She nudges Reid. "Agree with me boy wonder!" She says.

"Yeah, I was going to say in the car. You look lovely." He says his cheeks flushing. Now its Kat's turn to blush.

"Thanks you two. Come on lets go see the others." She smiles, leading the others to Rossi's kitchen.

Katrina was so happy she had decided to spend christmas with the team. They exchanged gifts and stories and ate amazing food, made by Rossi.

She had a couple drinks, and Spencer had one with dinner so he drove her home, completely fine. Right now she dreaded going home, so she might just sneak in quietly and fall asleep in the sparebedroom.

They pulled up to her apartment complex and she tensed up. She hopes to god Tom went to bed or left the apartment. She was tipsy and would probably say something she would never say sober to him.

"I cant thank you enough for the ride there and get." She says, turning to face Spencer.

"It's no problem at all really." She smiles. She leans over and gives him a short hug.

"See you tomorrow!" She says into his ear, her warm breath tickling his ear. He laughs and bids her a goodbye/night before she gets out of the car and walks inside.

She creeps into the apartment, its dark and quiet- perfect. She gets to the spare room and removes her skirt, just sleeping in her long sleeve and underwear.

She didn't want to risk waking up Tom.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя