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The BAU sat around their main office, waiting around for their new agent. They knew it was a woman who's name was Katrina Parker. They had always needed that one extra member- and they hoped she was right for their team.

They had no idea if she was younger or older - they were told nothing. They were all slightly worried, they have been wanting to fill this spot for a while now but could never find the right candadet.

The team knew Hotch was always cold and seem monotone and unhappy- but this seemed to make it worse. He had always thought they didn't need another member- they had 7 already obviously there isn't need for another. Another life to worry for.

"Excited Hotch?" Rossi asked with an amused tone.

"Ecstatic." Agent Aaron Hotchners' voice was dull and monotone like always.

Morgan decided to speak up. "It'll be like she isn't even there Hotch- come on, lighten up!"

"Mind you I never said I didn't want her here..." He trails.

"She can be trusted. That's why she had gotten accepted anyways.." JJ interjects.

Prentiss looks at Hotch. "Keep an open mind." She says calmly.

"I'm sure everything will turn out just fine." Reid adds from his little cubical, typing away at his computer.

Garcia emerged from her room, checking her bright pink lipstick in her small mirror. She was excited to get a new member. She walked over behind Reid to check out what he was doing. He was just cleaning out his files out of pure boredom.

Meanwhile Katrina sat in her car in the parking lot making sure ever part of her mascara was clean. Making sure her outfit was on point- blouse tucked in, pencil shirt worn without a crease. She pulled her fiery hair from her face, making her face show, but slowly let it cover again. She had to make the right impression- this was her first official job. Her boyfriend of 2 years- Tom had tried assuring her all day before everything will turn out fine. But she just couldn't believe him.

She had spent year upon year training, testing and schooling to get to this point in her life. She had always wanted to save people and work in the BAU. Since she was younger she was always good at reading expressions. It was just a thing she had- some people are good at lip reading while others are great artists or writers.

She breathed in sharply before slowly blowing it out, this was it... She couldn't hide away in her car forever. She took her keys from the ignition and grabbed her briefcase before stepping out of her car. She cautiously locked her car doors before slipping the keys into her breifcase.

She walked slowly to the front entrance. She had decided to wear heels to make a good impression. It added another 1 and a half inches to her height of 5 "10. Heels weren't that nessesary.

She reached the front door and pulled on the door but it wouldn't budge. She pulled some more before pushing but it was no use. She though maybe she should knock? Oh god, thats so embarrassing. Then the obvious popped into her head. She tried the door and it opened easily.

Her heart started beating a mile per minute. She was so worried to make a bad impression- she really didn't want that to happen.

Thats when she saw them- sitting around their cubicles drinking coffee and conversing. She knew their names, but wasn't too sure which name belonged with who. When the door shut after her, they all glanced up at her. Katrina felt her cheeks flush as she slowly walked forward.

She kept repeating in her mind 'Head up, back straight. They can't know you're worried or insecure, they will not like that.' She pressed her lips together and kept walking.

But being incredibly clumsy she tripped over her foot- hardly but slightly noticeable. She mutter a profanity but glancing at them all, they didn't really notice all but one. He was skinny- lanky even. He had brown hair and slightly darker eyes. He looked at her with a sort of skeptical look. She felts insecure under he longing gaze- what could he be thinking of her already?

Meanwhile in Reid's mind, he was overwhelmed. In his mind he expected Katrina Parker to be a 40 year old women with a husband and maybe some children a dog even. He hadn't expected a young woman with red hair and legs that seemed to go in forever to walk in. She was breathtaking- but he would never let her get in the way of his work.

When Katrina was in a close enough distance, Garcia was first to greet her.

"Hello! You must be Katrina Parker- I'm Penelope Garcia but the others usually refer to me as Garcia. Welcome to the team!" She says excitedly, sort of alarming Katrina. Garcia extends her hands and Katrina takes it in hers, shaking it slowly.

"Thank you, nice to meet you." Katrina says softly. She feels uncomfortable under all their looks.

Rossi and Prentiss apprach her next. Rossi extends a hand. "Hello, i'm David Rossi- I hope you have a good time here with us." Katrina shakes his hand slowly, before taking Prentiss' in her hand.

"I'm Emily Prentiss, pleasure to meet you." Morgan and JJ approach her next.

"Hey, I'm Jennifer Jareau- but I get called JJ around here. I hope you feel welcome- come talk to me anytime." She says warm heartedly, making Katrina calm down slightly.

"And I'm Derek Morgan- pleasure to have you with us." He says, grinning at her. He pats her shoulder before stepping back.

Next is Dr. Spencer Reid. He was the boy who watched Katrina walk in. He makes it in front of Katrina. He doesn't extend his hand out yet. They make eye contact, making her feel lost for a moment.

"H-hi. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. It's very nice having a new member join us." She gives her a small smile. Before she can say a word, Morgan speaks up.

"Reid here is our little genius, smartest kid I've ever met!" Morgan says, laughing slightly. Reid turns on his heel to give Morgan a questioning look.

"Well uh, I'm not sure if you heard but I'm Katrina Parker." She held her hand out for him to take. He turned back and glanced at her hand, he took it in his own, moving it up and down with ease.

His palms were sweaty- no it didn't bother Katrina but it had indicated Reid was defiantly nervous about something. His expression showed it as well. He let go of her hand. Left was Aaron Hotchner- the leader. She was most nervous about meeting him.

She approached him slowly and glanced up at him.

"Aaron Hotchner- I go by Hotch. Welcome to the team. Your cubicle is the empty one next to Reid's." He points over to it. Kat's eyes follow yo where he is pointing. "Set it up how you like- I'd like to send your contact information to all of us." He pulls a paper out of his jacket pocket. "Sign into this email and once again, welcome." Katrina didn't have time to get a word in before he turned to the others.

"Get back to work." He begins to walk off before she stops him.

"Uhm, Agent Hotchner?" She asks. He stops dead in his tracks and looks back to Katrina. Her stomach churns slightly. "Thank you very much." She gives him a small smile. He nods quickly and keeps on walking.

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