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"So, what exctly happened the other night?" Hotch asks Katrina as she holds her a extra Glock 70 in her hands. Her safty goggles cover her eyes, with her hair tied in a tight pony tail.

"Well.." Kat trails, trying to find the right words. She had been slow from lack of sleep. Ever since her first case she has found she has troubles sleeping. It was sort of odd... Do the other 7 members feel the same? They have been doing this for years on end, this had only been here first case- and it hadn't been that serious.

"Well, Reid and I searched the basement.. since their alarm system was on, the basement door had locked from the outside automatically. We hadn't known that" Kat said slowly. She found Hotch keeping eye contact with her the entire time, trying to read how shes feeling.

"Then, I think Reid wanted to go up and get you guys- but she knew we were down there. She hit him over the head- I have to admit at the beginning i was stunned because he was out cold.. So I grabbed Reid's gun.." His expression shifted slightly. "I wasn't sure if it was the right thing- but she had a weapon.. and was holding it against her own child." She explained further.

"Then she took out a knife and held it to her daughters neck.. Reid came conscience again.. and we talked it out. I'm surprised she backed down like that.." Kat kept a firm expression.

"You dealt with it good- now back to business... in order to earn your right for your own glock 70." Agent Hotchner starts. "You have to shoot the target where I tell you, got that?" Kat fixes her goggles and grabs the headphones off the small table in front of her.

"Alright, sounds good. Where first?" She asks him, taking the gun of saftey.

"Where is a spot you don't nessesarily want to kill them- but injure them enough for them to drop their own weapon?" He asks her. Kat thinks momentaily.

"The shoulder or arm area." She states firmly with confidence. He nods in approval.

"Well, go ahead then." He ushers, moving her slightly to postion her in the right way. She puts the big headphones over her ears and gets ready

"How many times?" She wonders, slightly scared of his answer. She could hardly hear from the headphones.. Should she know that answer? Most likely.

"As many times as you think." He answers vaguely. Kat nods and raises her gun before her eyes looking into the sights of the glock.

She mentally counts down from three and and pushes her finger down the trigger. The bullet fires and hits the target under the collar bone close to the shoulder. She flinched slightly at the loud noise from the gun, but kept herself together. She nods slightly at her work and looks back at Hotch.

"Very good Parker. Now, I'd like you to shoot the forehead, then the heart/chest area." He asks in a calm tone. Katrina was excited- she hit the spot where she needed to. The next few shots and she'll be able to own her own gun.

"Alright." She mumbles, aligning her sight once again. She aims for the forehead.. again she counts down and pushes down on the tigger. The bullets speeds towards the target, but she doesn't bother checking where it hit- She was too nervous.

She brought the gun down to the middle of the chest between the 'pectoral' muscles. She takes aim and shoot the middle of th chest. She lowers her gun slowly and check the bullet holes- middle of the forehead, and middle of the chest. She removed the head set off her head and turns to Hotch.

"Great job Parker. I'm impressed.." Hotchner praises with a satisfied tone. Kat smiles at him.

"Want me to do anything else?" She asks in a soft tone.

"No. I'll send in a file.. in a few days, your Glock will arrive. Thanks for your time- now get back to work." He says sternly. She laughs at his professionalism and nods. She hands him the Glock and leaves the firing range to return to her desk.

Katrina logs into her computer and checks out some files, organizing them by order. It was a slow day today- nothing interesting has happened yet. She had looked up file, talking to Tom on the phone for a couple hours, went and talked to JJ. Then out of nowhere her stomach grumbles loudly- what time is it? She checks to see it's 1:00- she had missed lunch. Time just flew by.

"Agent Hotchner?" Kat asks Hotch who had momentarily left his own office to walk about. He stops and turns to her. "Can Igo out and get a quick lunch?" She asks. He nods his head.

"Yes. But hurry back soon." He replies. She nods and grabs her wallet. She peers over at Reid's cubicle.

"Hey Spencer- hows the head?" She asks him sweetly. He peers over from his computer slowly. Nobody really calls him Spencer in the workplace- its usually Dr. Reid or just Reid.

"Oh, its better- thanks for asking." He replies, letting a small smile creep onto his face. She seemed to ask him that every day since it happened.

"Thats good. Hey want to get lunch with me? I don't re call you've eaten yet.." She trails, her cheeks flushing. Why was she blushing? She doesn't know. It was not a date or anything hell- Kat had a boyfriend! Maybe Reid's shyness is rubbing off on her.

"Oh uh, yeah sure." He locks his computer and stands from his seat grabbing his wallet out of his drawer.

"Anybody else want to join?" She asks the other Agents. They all say no thanks as they had already eaten.

"Okay- we'll be back soon!" She says before the two make their way towards the door.

"So where shall we eat?" Kat asks Spencer as they make their way down the street.

"Uhm. There is a small cafe down the street here called Joe's- they make sandwiches and soups.. Unless you can think of someplace else?" He suggests, glancing over at her.

"Joe's sounds nice." She smiles, and within 5 minutes they reach the small cafe. Spencer holds the door open for Kat, which she thanks him for. They take a spot in line, lunch hour just ended so it isn't too busy. There are a couple elder people and some middle aged reading the paper until they have to return to work.

Spencer ends up getting a normal sandwich with chicken, cheese, tomatoes and lettus and a bottle of water. Katrina gets a small soup and sandwich and a diet coke. They pay for their food and sit at a table for two.

"So why a diet coke? You're slim enough." He asks in a tone not like normal conversation. Its the tone he uses during a case, making him sound smart and adorable at the same time.

"Well.. Dr. Reid I'm not sure I mean- I guess I prefer the taste, and I guess it's more healthy with less sugar than the normal drink." She says, laughing slightly. He nods slowly giving her a crooked smile before grabbing his sandwich and taking out a bite.

They eat and converse between. And behind Reid, Katrina notices a figure just sitting there. He's reading the paper, a black hood over his head. He looks like he's trying to cover his face- so she can't see the identity. Kat doesn't want to ask- the man is probably having a rough day.

"What's behind me thats so intriguing?" Reid asks after a couple moments.

"Oh- thats guy, i don't know. He's staring at me sort of.." She shrugs, giving him an assuring smile.

"Hm. Odd." He remarks taking a glance back. Kat and Reid finish up eating before they leave and make their way back to the BAU building- and Kat found herself not being able to forget the strange man in the cafe.


Kinda a boring filler...  but AYYEE SHE GOT HER GUN

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