Gathering together

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When the 3 get back to the station, they sit in a police conference room. Hotchner dials up Garcia and placed his phone in the middle of the table.

"Penelope Garcia. Whats up?" She asks in a chirpy tone.

"Garcia I need you to look up the names I'm about to list you, alright baby girl?" Derek asks.

"You got it sugar, speak away." She says.

"Okay so we have Sam Wits, Vivian Roe, Jocelyn Jacks and Taylor Guy." He says to her, looking over the list over once more.

"So you just want some information on these girls?" She asks as soon as they hear the clicking of her keyboard.

"Yeah. Send us the profiles when you're done." Hotch asks in his usual serious tone.

"Got it sir. Ill be back." With that she ends the call, and gets working.

"So are those the girls who work there?" Rossi asks, referring to the list.

"Yeah- we got these security tapes to watch, should we pop them in?" Reid wonders, glancing up from his notepad. The teams nods as Hotch goes over and outs them in.

During the tapes you see Mark Watters having a good time with his friends, they're drinking and laughing having a wonderful time. As the night gets late and the morning hours come, his friends leave.

Then a petite girl in a dark coat and hat come into view, her back turned to the camera. He smiles and talks along before she grabs her hand. The entire time, her back faces the camera. And with that they leave the bar. She knew where the cameras were placed so her face wouldn't show. Smart girl..

"So shes familiar with the bar- she knows where the cameras are.." Rossi concludes, leaning back in his seat.

"Yeah. When I went down with Reid and Morgan I couldn't even see the cameras, they're small." Katrina adds in, frowning slightly.

The phone starts ringing again. "Garcia already?" Katrina asks bewildered.

"Yeah. She's quick with these things." JJ adds, pressing the accept button.

"Okay so all the girls seem to live normal lives. They're all in there 20's-30's and one is married. So she should most likely be taken off the list, she's blonde anyways- hadn't Lily Anderson said she was a brunette?" She asks.

"Yep." Reid confirms.

"Alright well none of these girls have any past criminal records or offenses so it's hard to say. Might as well bring them all into questioning..

"Good idea. We can all get them in and split into pairs or just singular so the questioning goes at a quicker pace. Alright, thanks Garcia." Hotch states.

"No problemo, lemme know what you guys find. Ill email you the girls numbers to get in touch.' With that she ends and call and gets working.

They call up the 4 girls and get them all in for questioning. They had all seemed worried, and left their work from the bar

The girls each all stood outside the ward where the several questioning rooms were. They all conversed with each other, since they were co workers and most likely friends.

JJ and Hotcher go into the first room to interview Sam Wits, Rossi interviews Vivian in the 2nd room, Reid and Katrina interview Taylor in the 3rd room and Morgan and Prentiss in the 4th with Jocelyn. The girls all see confused but one.

"So.. do you know this man?" JJ asks Sam showing her a photo of Mark. Her eyes widen for a short moment because recovering and going back to normal.

"I've seen him around.." She rails, looking around the room.

'She isn't making eye contact' JJ thinks, studying the girls face.

"Do you know him in any way?" Hotchner asks keeping his usual serious expression.

She takes a moment to think. "No. He came in a few times a week, never usually served him." She says nonchalantly.

JJ thought of a question. "Do you know if any of the others girls are involved with him? Or who have served him the most?" She asks.

"Taylor i'm pretty sure. She can go on about him forever." She says in a quiet tone. "Nothing bad or anything though. Why do you ask?" She wonders her expression now confused.

Realization strikes her face. "You don't think she took him, do you?" Her tone sounds defeated.

"Its a possibility." Hotchner states.

Meanwhile in the other questioning rooms, Rossi had seemed convinced it wasn't Vivian isn't the unsub, as well as Prentiss and Morgan with Jocelyn but Reid and Katrina weren't so sure.

The entire time Taylor spoke she avoided eye contact, had nervous habits like biting her nails, looking around the room, shifted in her seat a lot. But it was hard to tell, being asked several questions by the FBI was pretty intimidating.

"So you knew Mark well?" Katrina inquired while she sat across from Taylor. Reid walked around the room, trying to brainstorm questions to ask.

"Yep. I usually served him." She says absentmindedly, her eyes glued to Reid. She seems to be more concentrated on him then the questioning.

It made Katrina feel a feeling she shouldn't be feeling. She felt a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. She cant be jealous, she has a boyfriend.. Reid is a damn co worker, not Tom!

"Hey what's your name again?" She asks, smacking her gum between her teeth.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid.." He trails, giving her an odd look. She checks him out a couple times.

"Excuse me. We're asking you questions." Katrina grits between her teeth.

Taylor rolls her eyes and glares over at Katrina. "Don't need to be rude." She remarks.

"Did you kidnap Mark?" Katrina takes no time to ask.

"Woah woah Kat wait." Reid asks, going over to Kat and rubbing her shoulder.

"Yeah bitch, chill." She mutters. "For your information, no I didn't. I'm uh.." She looks like shes thinking. Her face pale and she avoids eye contact all if a sudden. "Pft no. I work too much, i don't have time for that." She comments.

"Excuse me, tone down the attitude." Katrina spits, venom laced in her words.

"I didn't do it!" She yells. "Christ, you guys never quit." She groans, throwing her head back in frustration.

"Miss, we're just doing our job.." Reid says calmly.

After struggling to ask her a couple more questions, she's proven innocent from this moment on. They let the 4 girls go and had gone back in there hotel, with no idea for unsub.

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