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It had been a couple weeks since Reid shot Michael Larke point blank in the head and the city of Trenton felt safe once again.

Reid didn't even feel bad to be honest. When he saw the momentary things he did to Katrina, he had no mercy.

It was a crisp January morning. It was cold and dry rather than a neutral temperature with snow falling. Honestly Katrina would rather snow than this.

She stopped down at the cafe down the road from the Federal Bureau and picked herself up a coffee. She thought maybe the team would like some as well.

So she dialed Morgan's number knowing he was probably with a big porton of the agents. "Hey Katrina." He says.

"Hey Morgan, do the others by any chance have coffee's with them this morning?" She asks.

"Uh.." He trails at the odd question. "No, and hey don't you think of bringing some in for all of us." He says in a scolding tone.

"Too late." She shouts before hanging up. She gets a couple odd glances from the other customers. She orders another 7 coffees grabbing a handful of creams and sugars before making her way to the FBI building.

When she arrived she parked her car and started walking to the front doors of the BAU section of the building. Today started off alright. When Katrina woke up this morning she was pleased to see Tom was gone. He was probably passed out at a friends house, but deep down she really hoped he was at work.

She walked in quietly and set the coffee's down on the discussion table, catching the others attention.

"Morning all, coffee is served." She says happily.

"Morning Kat!" JJ says, walking over. "You're too kind." She says, grabbing a cup. She pats Kat's shoulder gently before walking off to sit at her cubicle. The others gather around and thank Katrina nicely before grabbing a cup each and getting right back to work.

There was someone missing; Spencer.

"Hey guys wh-" Just before she can finish her question, the tall lanky boy bursts through the front doors looking like he's in a rush.

"Nevermind.." She mumbles, grabbing a cup and making her way over to him. He doesn't really notice as he tries to regain his breath, he walks forward and they collide.

It was the typical coffee cup practically explodes, covering both of their shirts before the cardboard cup finally tumbles onto the tile floor. They both freeze in place, ironically with siring hot liquid buring away at their chests.

Both are wearing button ups, both with now exposes chests. For a moment they forget the rest of the team is there , it only seems to be the two of them.

Katrina can't help but stare at his chest as the baby blue shirt clings to his chest and torso- his body was similar to Tom's. Long and lanky and she absolutely loved it.

Meanwhile Spencer was trying to keep his cool but the white blouse is just clinging to Kat's chest, outlining her breasts underneath her white bra. He pulls his eyes away from her chest to focus on her face.

They snap back to reality when they hear the team start cracking up in hysterics. They both flush a deep shade of crimson and turn around.

"Oh my god Reid I'm so sorry! Aw, now your shirt is ruined! I wasn't really watching what was happening-!" She stammers, pulling his damp shirt from his skin.

"No no- I didn't see you there I should pat attention to my surroundings.." He trails awkwardly. His cheeks are so hot from the touch her hands leave on his chest, or maybe it was the warmth of the coffee on his front?

"At least we have extra clothes at our desks.." She says trying to see the bright side of things.

"Right uh, let's go change." He says as the two walk to collect shirts from their desks.

"Nice going pretty boy!" Morgan calls after the two as they walk down to the sections where the washrooms are.

"Here, I'll clean you up." She says, dragging him into the family bathroom. She flicks on the light and they flicker p on and off before they turn on completely.

"I'm such a klutz.." She groans, grabbing a bunch of paper towels. She wets a couple of them before instructing him to unbutton his shirt.

"What why? Don't you have a boyfriend?" He asks nervously, bringing his hands up to the top button. He's so unsure.

"Yes Spencer I do. I said unbutton your shirt not have sex with me." She laughs as he cautiously unbuttons his shirt.

"I can clean myself though?" He asks as she begins to dab some wet paper towels along his chest. She feels terrible for spilling coffee all over him.

"You can yes but I feel terrible." She replies before drying off his chest. He shrugs.

"Really no problem, it was my fault as well." He replies.

She turns around. "You can change even though I've seen your chest." She replies, trying to make him more comfortable.

"You seem really happy today.." He observes, she heard the shuffling of clothes for a moment.

"Yeah. I woke up alone- it was nice." She shrugs, turning back to face him. He gives her an odd look.

"That makes you happy?" He asks in a confused tone.

She can't tell him the whole truth. "We've just been at each other's necks, not in the good way." She sighs.

"Sorry to hear that." He replies, giving her a crooked smile go lighten the mood.

"Not your fault, now go get to work and grab my coffee, I need to change." She snaps in a joking tone.

"Oh right! Sorry!" He says, walking past her and out the door. She laughs at his awkwardness and removes her own shirt, wiping some of the sticky coffee off. She replaces it with a navy blue blouse and exits the bathroom.

She feels all eyes on her as she walks past. She makes momentary eye contact with Derek who simply winks.

Little did she know, Reid spilled the last 5 minutes that happened in the bathroom to Derek who laughed his ass off at Reid being shy and awkward about the whole situation.

She just gave him an odd smile before sitting down and starting up her computer.

The day simply flies by, and Katrina really dreads going home in hopes of seeing Tom once again.

Crazy [Spencer Reid/Criminal minds]Where stories live. Discover now