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You were walking down the streets alone. You suddenly stopped your e/c eyes landed on a beautiful cupcake.
"Omg! What a delicious looking cupcake" you drooled without a second thought, you barges into the bakery shop to buy the cupcake.

"As expected it's taste delicious!" You exclaimed while taking a bite, some people walking across found you weird but you don't mind because your whole concentration was on the cupcake.

"Ah..I should've called my grandson for will I cross the road now.." An old woman said while struggling with her luggage. The voice grabbed your attention as you walked towards her to lend a hand.

"Here grandma, let me help you" you offered her, smiling at her. The old lady looked at you as she smiled back. "Thank you, kind boy." The lady said as you carried her luggage and held her hand, helping her crossing the road.

"Thank you again angel, I should give you something for helping me." The old lady took out her purse but you stopped her "no need grandma,It was my moral to help you."You smiled as she chuckled

"What a kind boy you are. I'm happy that humanity is still alive, otherwise today's youth won't help without taking something from the victim. Well anyway I'll take my leave god bless you" the old lady patted your head and left

"M/n?" A soft voice called your name as you looked back, your eyes with met his lavender eyes.

"Oh..hello Mitsuya-kun" you waved at him with a smile. "Hello m/n, I saw you what you did, you are really a soft hearted" mitsuya chuckled as you blushed with the sudden compliment. "'s N-nothing"

Your conversation with mitsuya was interrupted by heavy footsteps coming towards you both. You both averted your eyes and landed on some people who wore red uniform with a scary expression written on their looks.

"Oi..they are delinquents right?"

"Ah I recognised that lilac hair colour guy..he's the 2nd division captain mitsuya Takashi"

"Then what are we waiting for let's kill them..." Mochizuki Kanji said who was tenjiku's 4th heavenly king.

Your eyes widen when you recognised the uniform. 'Tenjiku...oh no we're in trouble'

Tenjiku members surrounds you meanwhile mitsuya fought with mochizuki. You sighed as the members smirked.

"What's wrong? Scared?"

"You look so skinny and short are you really a delinquent?"

You hated when people judged you because of your looks. "Shut up, I don't have time for your useless insults" you mocked them as they grew angry. One of the men runs towards you, clenching his fist targeting to hit on your face. You just stood there as they thought you can't fight before the fist can reach, you grabbed his fist and twisted it making a satisfying crack sound as he yelped in pain. "Fuck!!"

"You fucker how dare you!!" Another guy swung his leg as you grabbed it and threw him away like a potato sack.

"What the he some kind of monster?"

"Wait don't tell me he's that guy who defeated 300 men all alone..."

"Tch..there's strong willed people like you both in toman huh?" Mochizuki glared as he was gasping for air.

"The world is vast, I didn't knew a arrogant monster like you existed motherfucker." Mitsuya spat as mochizuki clenched his fist and smirked evily.

"Finally..we found you m/n.." a deep voice whispered which startled you.
You looked back and saw a guy with glasses as you eyes widen when you recognised the taller male.

'R-Rindou Haitani...'

Rindou smirked when he looked at your frightened expression as he grabbed your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder
"Yo mochi, why are you having all the fun to yourself?"

Mitsuya led out a gasp as his eyes widen recognising the younger haitani meanwhile you didn't moved a inch, you were beyond terrified the aura he release was dark and scary.

Mitsuya realised that someone was behind him before he can do something he got hit by a thick brick.
"Got you..forgive me for unfairness" Ran smirked at mitsuya who gritted his teeth.

"Yo motherfucker, don't just steal someone's target from the sidelines!!" Mochizuki cursed at ran who just chuckled.

"My brother always take over the best parts, I also hate the way he poses" Rindou sighed still holding you.

"But the result are what matter right? Toman is not easy to fight" ran smirked his purple eyes landed on you who was still trembling in fear. "Ah~ the pretty boy is here as well~" ran said as mochizuki stormed off angrily taking the members with him leaving only the haitani's behind.

Mitsuya knew that you were scared he tried to get up again but failed. Ran walked towards you, he took out his cold baton and pointed at your temple as he licked his lips. "What will happen when I hit you harshly? Your skull is strong...I still remember how you woke up when you got hit by that valhalla member. So how much time it would take to break your thick skull." Ran smirked as your eyes widen in fear.

"Brother you are scaring this pretty thing" Rindou smirked as he licked your delicate neck as you shivered.

"You were quite cool at the valhalla arc I must say.." ran paused as he looked down at mitsuya who glared at them.
"Toman doesn't deserve you m/n..a pretty boy with monstrous Strength must join us.." ran looked away from mitsuya and stared at your e/c eyes. "Trust me..we can give you more pleasure than those brats back there" ran smirked pointing his thumb back at mitsuya referring toman as brats.

You pushed Rindou from you as he gasped in shock. You passed ran to check up at mitsuya. Before you can reach at mitsuya, ran grabbed your arm and pulled you back and pushed you against the wall.

"He is very disobedient.." Rindou sighed as ran gave you his sly smirk "Ah~ then we must break his ankle so that he won't run away next time." Ran said as Rindou nodded

'I must save mitsuya..the haitani's are bad news, they crept me out..and also they look scary in real life..I must stay away from them.'

You kicked Ran on his abdomen as his grip losen you took this opportunity to run. Rindou threw a punch at you as you dodged it, you jumped on his face as he yelped in pain. You picked up mitsuya carrying him in a bridal style and ran away.

Izana who witnesses your every movement as he smirked while running his hand on his silky fluffy hair.

"You are interesting m/n..I will have you soon."


{An-Hope you like this chapter
See you in next chapter
Sayonara and take care
Love from author chan ♡}

DESIRE (Yandere Tokyo revengers x male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant