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Warning- mild NSFW


You we're with hina and Emma at hina's house. You were helping them with their homeworks, yes you're good at maths and science and you like to flex your intelligence to others.

"Wow m/n-kun you are so good in maths! You taught us so well!" Emma said

"Yes! Emma-chan is right you are handsome and intelligent as well!" Hina added

As you blushed with the compliments,
"T-thanks guys.."

"Well I shall brings some of your favourite snacks m/n-kun since you helped us" hina said as she stood up and Emma follows to help her.

As they both left someone peeked through the door. It was naoto, you saw him as you smiled at him as he blushed.

"Hey naoto what are you doing at the corner come here" you waved him to come, as he obeyed

"H-hello m/n-san.." he shyly said

You grabbed his hand and made him sat beside you as his face was beet red.

"Are you ok naoto? You look red?" You asked

"Y-yea! Don't worry!" As he panicked

You pat his head gently as he craved for your touch more.

"You like headpats?" You chuckled as he nodded

"Then I will give you more headpats!" You smiled brightly

'Yes touch me more...your hands belongs to me.. and I got some pics of him too well, thank god he didn't noticed that I watched him while he was busy teaching' Naoto thought as you headpats him.

Soon hina and Emma came as they both gasped and frowned when they saw naoto's head on your lap as you rubs his head softly

"Here is the snack" hina said quietly

"Thanks hina! You are the best!" You took the snacks and ate it

"M-m/n..kun..can we get headpats too?" Emma asked shyly

"Sure! Come here" you said as they both happily runs towards you

Now hina's head was resting on your right leg and Emma was resting on your shoulder while hugging you and don't forget naoto is snuggling too.

'M/n-kun smells so good!'

'Ha I will brag about this to draken and mikey and I bet they'll be jealous haha'

'Urgh why sis and her friends had to ruin our moment..I don't care as long m/n is with me.'

As you're doing the homework too while eating snacks the surrounding was peaceful but not for long, you got a call. As you picked it up and it was mitsuya.

"Hello Mitsuya-kun"

"Hi m/n..sorry for calling you all of a sudden but can you come over, I wanna fix your uniform as it was torn."

"Sure Mitsuya-kun I will be in 15 mins"

"Thanks and yeah tell takemitchy to tag along with you too even tho I informed Peh-yan"

"Ok I'll be there"

"Be safe"

As mitsuya hung the phone. You looked at the girls and naoto.

DESIRE (Yandere Tokyo revengers x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now