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"We can't go back in please kill me takemitchy or else I will kill you." Mikey pointed his gun on takemichi's forehead as he pinned him on the cold floor. On the other hand, takemichi who was jolted with the sudden movement.

Takemichi closed his eyes with fear but a sudden gunshot made him frightened.

"Are you ok? Takemichi!?" Naoto exclaimed as he pointed his gun on them.

Takemichi stood up a bit and saw mikey who got shot by naoto. Takemichi hurriedly crawled towards mikey and picked him up, mikey who smiled with the sudden warm contact.

"Thank you tachibana naoto, takemichi would've been unable to kill me." Mikey smiled as he broke into tears.

Mikey never intended to kill takemichi at the first place. The gun was not loaded. he knew all along that takemichi won't be able to kill him,someone else will save takemichi and kill him. His plan worked out.

"Finally it's over, all my life...I've been suffering. I can finally join m/n now..." mikey smiled as takemichi hugged him tightly

"No mikey don't say that, I can still change it! I can change the past, I can start all over again! I don't wanna give up on m/n and everyone!" Takemichi cried as mikey chuckled a bit

"Thanks takemitchy your words comforted me..even if its lies..I'm happy" mikey said as his surrounding was getting blurry. His eyes widen he saw you in takemichi, that warm smile on your face cupping his bloodied cheek was he hallucinating? Even if mikey was, he is satisfied. The touch he craved for so long. His last wish is fulfilled, he can finally rest.

"Your hand is so warm n/n-chin.."


"It's still raining.." you sighed, taking an another step on the watery Street. The cold breeze and little droplets hitting on your skin. Baji who was syncing the footsteps with yours, holding an umbrella sharing with you. Chifuyu who puffed in jealously at the scene between you and baji.

Chifuyu heard some punching noises. His green/blue eyes landed on takemichi who was punching a wheel.

"Huh? What the hell he's doing..." Chifuyu mumbled which grabbed your's and Baji's attention. You both followed Chifuyu's direction and saw takemichi still punching the wheel in this rainy atmosphere.

"What are you doing?" Chifuyu asked as takemichi startled with the sudden voice.

"Hello takemichi" you waved at him as he looked back and blushes "ah-hi m/n-kun" he nervously mumbled

"You just ignored me takemichi..." Chifuyu mumbled angrily followed by an irk mark on his cheek

"I'm training! I've to get stronger than anyone! No matter what! If I don't get stronger the future won't change!" Takemichi said while punching the wheel continuously

"Huh? Future?" You asked as Chifuyu and baji went quiet for a bit and got freaked out when the finally catch what takemichi said.

"Are you takemichi from future?" Chifuyu mumbled as you looked at him acting confusingly baji realised what Chifuyu said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you with him.

"I'm taking m/n to give him a treat!" Baji yelled giving them a time to talk as the both blonde nodded.
You yelped with the sudden dragging but you calmed yourself when baji mentioned about food.


"Mmm I really love this!" Baji said while slurping his noodle as you nodded

"I know right.." you paused as you looked outside while putting your chopsticks down "oh the rain takemichi ok? I saw his fist were bloodied and bruised.." you said as baji patted your back

"Don't worry he will be alright, Chifuyu is with him." Baji said as he sighed clenching his fist in jealously.

'Why you care about only Shittymichi..? it's always about him...'



"I'm under so much pressure..." izana sighed as he sat at the edge of the building. He side-eyed and saw kisaki and hanma

"if I had known day like this would come and that you would come and visit me kisaki.." the purple eyed male stood up watching down at the road "You know what that means?" He asked as kisaki stayed silent

"Let the troubles come" izana paused as he looked back, his fluffy hair swayed in sync with the cold breeze. "Why did you come?"

"Because that's my revenge. I want to break toman into crumbles and snatch l/n m/n from them." Kisaki finally replied as hanma chuckled a bit.

"Hm? L/n m/n?" Izana raised a brow at them. Kisaki opened his mouth to clarify his doubt but got interrupted by someone.

"Oh? Are you talking about that pretty boy?" A sly deep voice interrupted them which belonged to Ran Haitani.

"So you are here huh..Haitani's" izana said giving them a sly smirk

"Yes, the rulers of Roppongi at you service." The male with blonde hair with blue streaks, the younger brother of the black/blonde haired male also known as Rindou Haitani.

"Anyways, who is this m/n y'all are talking about?" Izana asked again

" I said before he's a pretty boy who we met at the valhalla arc. I might say he's quiet mesmerising." The oldest haitani said finishing his sentence with a chuckle.

"What's so special about him? Kisaki?" Izana asked kisaki who knits his brows in annoyance.

"He's the monster of toman..if we want to defeat toman, we have to break m/n first. He's the main obsession of toman including me and hanma. That's why we want him." Kisaki replied with an expressionless face.

" are forgetting something my dear friend~ he's super strong, he defeated my 300 men all alone. Ah~he's super hot when he's covered with blood on his exposed chest." Hanma said shamelessly as he covered his blushing face with his scarf.

"Hm..interesting.." izana mumbled as he smirked. Ran walked towards him and handed him a picture of yours, he took that pic in the valhalla arc when you were fighting. Izana took the picture as his purple eyes widen when he looked at it.

Kisaki didn't liked it as he glared at ran. He walked towards him and grabbed his collar. "Next time don't interrupt me " he warned as Rindou crept behind him and pointed ran's baton on his temple.

"Remove your dirty hand kisaki or I won't hesitate to break your skull right here." Rindou glared at kisaki as ran gave him a sly smirk. Kisaki evily chuckled as Rindou looked puzzled with his behaviour.

"You break his skull and I break your neck♡~" hanma places his hand on Rindou's nape as he smirked.

The tan male sighed "look if you want yo achieve your mission successfully, you have to cooperate with each other. If you four don't stop fighting then there will be consequences which you won't wanted to be happen" izana glared at the other male.

"Tch...fine" Kisaki mumbled as he removed his grip from ran's collar which made rindou and hamma backed away too.

"He's right kisaki..I must say you are quiet selfish, learn how to share. We are teammates after all." Ran said giving his sly smug face to kisaki who groaned in annoyance.

"Well then I wanna see m/n's fighting skills with my own eyes..." izana said still kept his sly grin on his face as he looked at your picture.

"The largest and 'final' battle in the history of toman starts."


{An- sorry for the delay guys😭
Hope you like this chapter
See you in next chapter
Sayonara and take care
Love from author chan ♡}

DESIRE (Yandere Tokyo revengers x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن