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Warning- KISAKI TETTA, Forced sex (rape), guns, blood and Death


When takemichi woke up he was tied up as he panicked.


"Chifuyu what's going on!?"

"You sure are quite a sleeper Hanagaki"

Takemichi exclaimed when he remembered that kisaki drugged them .

"Matsuno chifuyu you've always been an annoying brat to deal with." Kisaki said as he rolled up his sleeve.

"Still have a grudge for over a thing eh? And tried to sneak up on me. Are you trying to get revenge for baji keisuke? And try to get m/n?"
Kisaki kicked chifuyu's stomach harshly as he yelped in pain

"Just admit it already you're a rat aren't you?" Kisaki said while kicking him

"Good grief"

Kisaki continues to kick chifuyu while takemichi yelling him to stop.

"You are wrong! I just did because I wanted to remove you from toman! and save m/n.." Chifuyu said

"Huh..what a pain you are, you small rotten rat." Kisaki said annoyingly

"Toman got rotten..I just wanted to change that!..just like you said I'm the Rat. Takemichi has nothing to do with this!"

"Hey! Bring him here." Kisaki ordered as the man nodded and left.

Takemichi and chifuyu were confused not until the door opens again and they we're carrying a guy on his back when they realise who that was there's eyes widen in shock.

It was you

"L-let me go!" You said trying to run away. You gasped when you saw chifuyu and takemichi

"T-takemichi..c-chifuyu.." you mumbled with wide eyes

"Oh you are here m/n.." kisaki smirked and told the others guys to leave them alone. Now only you four were left in that room.

"What do you want with m/n!" Takemichi yelled

"Tch just see.." kisaki smirked evily as he carries you as you tried to resist him but your hand and legs are tied up.

"You both are obsessed with m/n right?" Kisaki said as you gasped

"Now look how I take him in front of you."

Kisaki removed his specs as his blue-grey eyes staring at your soul as you were quivering in fear.

"W-what you g-gonna do?" You asked shakily as he laughed

"Oh my look at you m/ look so scared that's how I like it!" Kisaki laughed at your pitiful situation

Kisaki pinned you on desk as he inject a drug to make you weak. Soon your eyes getting heavier as you felt weak.

"Don't hurt him! Kisaki!" Chifuyu yelled

"Shut it rat! He's mine only mine how dare you talked and flirted with him! I will take him because he is mine I don't care if he resist" kisaki evily smirked with wide eyes

"Now for you m/n..ah I will make you feel good!"

As he started striping you as you we're naked takemichi and chifuyu wanted to help you but they can't

"Ah look at that delicious body..I will destroy you.."

Kisaki's hand trailed down on your exposed shoulder and neck feeling your strong curves and abs.

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