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Being in home is too boring for me damn you mikey. Mikey kept me in his house, to protect me. Man this guy is really getting on my nerves.

I was sleeping on his bed, it was comfy and soft but the thing is I can smell his scent from myself. Ah it must be when he cuddled me, I don't mind tho I like affection cuz I'm lonely.

I walked towards the kitchen and saw Emma cooking dinner.

"Hey Emma-chan" I said

"Oh! M/n-kun, hey" she turned around and gave me a smile

"Whatcha making?" I peeked through her shoulders unknowingly my hot breath gave her shivers.

"Are you cold?" I asked

"N-no.." she said her cheeks were red a bit is she sick?

"Um m/n-kun can you bring some ingredients from the store then we will cook together!" She said smiling

"Sure, I would love to help you Emma" I smiled back


"Man this list is fucking long" I said, I sighed

"Ok this is the last one" I took the sugar packet and walked towards the billing counter.

"Here is your change and come back again!" the woman gave me the money I took it and left

I walked outside and guess what? it was raining. damn I'm so unlucky and the main thing is that I didn't brought an umbrella.
I sighed, I have to wait I guess

I was busy in my imagination but someone tapped my shoulder from back. The sudden touch made me flinch I quickly threw my fist on the back I stopped when I saw a girl with an umbrella.

"Were you going to hit me?" The girl asked

I quickly backed away and bowed. the embarrassment. I wanted to die now

"I-im sorry I thought that I was in danger or sum, sorry!" I continued apologising her and she laughed

"Ey it's ok chill." She said still laughing

The heat rose up my cheeks I was so embarrassed that I want to Bury myself right now.

"Well anyways, I saw you here alone Standing so I'm thinking that you don't have an umbrella?" She asked

I nodded she passes her umbrella to me
"Here take mine!" She grinned

"U-uh but what about you?" I asked

"Ah don't worry my brother will take care of that, I don't want a handsome guy to be sick" she chuckled and I blushed

"Thanks" I took the umbrella from her

"Hey what's your name?" She asked

"L/n m/n, what about you?" I asked

"Name Kawaragi Senju"

'Wait a damn min isn't she..' my eyes widen when I recognised her

'What the fuck? how come I didn't recognised her!!?!!'

"Um you ok? You look shocked" she waved her hand

"U-uh sorry..Nice to meet you Kawaragi" I smiled

Her cheeks were red is she sick too?
"Nice to meet you m/n and yeah call me senju" she winked

I nodded "well uh can I get your number? Don't get this wrong..i-i wanted to be frie-" she stopped when I gave her my card

"Here! Hope we can be friends Senju-chan" I smiled

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